do you have any idea what you've done? these 'bandits' are the queen's own bodyguards. if i were you, i'd make myself scarce. these men are going to be very angry when they wake up. do you have a name? you're a very foolish boy, d'artagnan. but a very handsome one. good-bye. constance spurs her horse and rides off to catch up with anne. men call it justice. it's him. yes! but how, your majesty? how can you tell if you're really in love? yes. yes. yes. i am. you'll never believe it. you won't. the young man who rescued us from the bandit. yes. are you in love, your majesty? are you? do you think about him all the time? do your knees feel as weak as water? when he looks at you, do you forget how to breathe? a beat. and anne is a girl of eighteen again, not queen. wistful, she replies: look out! anne looks up. constance tosses the goblet to her. anne catches it neatly, brings it down on the head of the hapless guard. constance smiles, leaps forward.