cardinal richelieu, i've been looking for you. oh. anne. hello. i didn't know you were here. no. please, stay. your eminence, i demand an answer. i've just been told that you went ahead and disbanded my musketeers. but not the timing of the matter. i intended to address them myself, explain the situation. but these men are my personal guards. i will be the judge of what is best. for me, and for france. anne? are you all right? your thoughts on the matter interest me. they might. help. she's beautiful. intelligent. sometimes she scares me half to death. i have no idea. the bravest man in france. your eminence, i'm sorry that i was sharp with you. it's just that the musketeers. well, they're not just my guards. they're my friends too. why is it i don't see any of my musketeers? why? there must be some mistake. musketeers. your eminence, i've been hearing some very troubling rumors about you. it does seem rather farfetched. i've been thinking about that. a birthday celebration when we're on the brink of war. i'm not so eager. they look. happy. still, you were right about the celebration. and when the cardinal told me how much it meant to you. but. ? i'm not sure who to trust. leave us. alone. that's when a loud boom rocks the room. get behind me. rochefort takes confident steps toward the king. but one last boom and the great door comes crashing down on the guards, revealing a tide of musketeers on the other side. athos, porthos, and aramis at the lead. this is a complicated matter, your eminence, affecting both france and the crown. a beat. as all wonder if richelieu will manage to elude blame after all. but louis continues with quiet author- ity, just a trace of humor. as king, and as a man. and so, until such time as i and my advisors -- -- can determine the whole truth of the matter. i invite you to await our decision in the comfort of. the bastille. and i am its king. shouts of "long live the king! long live the king!" and as king. i hereby reinstate the musketeers. a tremendous cheer is heard from all. richelieu is led from the room. he pauses in front of d'artagnan. is this the young man who saved my life? porthos puts a hand on d'artagnan's shoulder. approach, d'artagnan. d'artagnan, i am in your debt. what can i do to repay the courage you've shown me? anything, d'artagnan. whatever your heart desires. d'artagnan knows what he wants. but he is tongue-tied, unable to ask for it. athos asks for him. then kneel, d'artagnan. d'artagnan drops to his knees. louis lays the blade of his sword on each of his shoulders. the world is an uncertain realm, filled with danger. truth despoiled by broken promises. honor undermined by the pursuit of gold. freedom sacrificed when the weak are oppressed by the strong. but there are those who oppose these powerful forces. those who dedicate their lives to truth, honor, and freedom. they are a constant reminder to all of us. that such a life is not just possible, but necessary to our continued survival. as a country, as a king. these men are known as the musketeers. rise, d'artagnan. and join them. musketeer.