oh, yeah -- right. no, ray. you're gonna have to blame that on your grandmother. sioux indian, right? it's not the first. there's been several. and our field office in rapid city is getting a lot of heat. none of the investigations have turned up jack shit. different culture. hard to penetrate. the indians don't like white cops poking around. and that's why we're in a position where we have to bring in an american indian agent. seven. don't worry about it, ray. as long as the people have proof that we sent them one of their own, no one's gonna ask you to weave baskets or make it rain. those are two agents who went into a reservation a few years ago to serve a warrant. they were executed at close range. that one there is a police officer killed by the mohawks up in canada more recently. the agents who have worked out here say its like going into nam. unfamiliar terrain, foreign language, foreign customs. and you never know when you might walk into a few rounds. they hold a lot of old anger for the white man out here. airborne. that's where they used to get us agents from. now we get 'em from carnegie-melon, ivy league. accountants and computer whiz-kids. yuppies with guns. that's scary shit. hey, hey, hey. j. edgar would've loved you. he'd love anybody who joined the bureau to, what was it? "to enforce the laws of my country and protect her interests"? no. i consulted it. we're going into indian country, i wanna know what kind of individual is covering my ass. don't you? who found him? okay. i think agent levoi and i can proceed from here. what are your call signals? good. thanks, guys. looks like fast elk wasn't fast enough to outrun that load. what do you make of the damage? that's what it looks like, doesn't it? but that's what a ten gauge, choke-bored, shotgun will look like when it hits your lower back from five feet away. ray. good morning. taking ol' leo somewhere? check him out, ray. nice piece. you come back here to cover your tracks, geronimo? what's your name? who are you? i know where i am. i'm on federal land, doing a federal investigation, and if you don't wanna cooperate you can take a ride in a federal car, and spend the rest of the day in a little room, answering federal questions. it's your call. who are you? you're a wise-ass. ray check his wallet. who the fuck is he? he's a fucking cop. no. no, that's ray, here. ray, uh. ray. little weasel. what journey? we'll have to give leo a refund. because he's gotta go to the m.e. in case you don't know, officer, violation of the major crimes act on -- good. thank you. somebody must be doing something somewhere in your jurisdiction, officer crow foot. i think leo's retired from quillwork for the moment. -- did you understand me when i said that -- goodbye. what the hell you doing?! keeping of the souls. do they still burn their dead or something? sorry, ray. you're gonna have to wait in the car. i'll bring you out a cheeseburger. you must be. president clear bone. no. that's ray here. ray. he's starving, mr. clear moon. get him some raw kidney. he hasn't had any indian food in days. let's take a walk. what's goin' on here? i can't walk across the goddamn street without some breed-ass fallin' all over me? watch out now, he wants a kiss, ray, wants a kiss -- go ahead, skin, get your ass back on your sacred land. get outta here. get outta here. drive. now keep that between us, dennis, cuz i don't know what kinda johnny law they got here. brooks, what's a perceptive fellow like you, doing in a joint like this? let me buy you a glass of some of that russian shit you like. a murder. on the reservation. you underestimate me, brooks. the only good indian is a dead indian, does that old adage still hold true out here? get the plate numbers off everyone of these cars. good. by the time you get to the main village, sun'll be up. i want you to fraternize. socialize. penetrate. infiltrate. eat some raw kidney, and get these indians talking. i'm gonna powwow with big chief clear moon and find out more about leo. maisy blue legs place? i got one up on ya. i've got the doer. i know who he is. meet me at base. over. jimmy looks twice. one of the leaders of the warriors of all red nations. militant organization. the progressive indians don't like them because they want everybody to go back to the old indian ways, and the old way indians don't like them because they use violence to get attention. that's right. jimmy looks twice put leo's head through a glass door of the tribal offices three months ago. and threatened him several times since. president clear moon and the regional fbi feel he made good on that threat. easy, cowboy. no vendettas on my ship. now: remember what i told you about nam? watch the grass, watch the trees, watch the shit house, be on your toes, and if we get committed, don't hesitate to empty that sucker. it's show time. this is the fbi! come on out of there nice and slow. let's move it! hands on your head! james looks twice? let's take a walk, jimmy. come on. we just wanna take a look around your place, jimmy. we're not here to bust your balls. your good friend leo fast elk. -- don't "man" me, jimmy. where's the key? ray, use the federal master key. there's no coffee can in -- jesus. jesus. get him. assault on federal officers. suspect has left the area. one officer down. issue a fugitive alert immediately. over. no, the officer's been bitten by a fucking badger, okay? get a fugitive alert fucking now! over. who's this guy? ray, get to jimmy's place and keep it tight. i'm gonna get a tail on his warriors. ray, you alright? what'd she say? let's see it. way to go, raymond. miles, take that to lab. sherman, i want you to go back to base and produce some written material. something that indicates that our girl maggie is leaking information to us. and make sure that material finds its way into the hands of the warrior movement. you gentlemen missed that medicine basket. go back through the house, and make sure you missed nothing else. and lay some wire, too. let's do it. that's good goddamn work, ray. let the salmon run. let 'em run upriver. her own people start to suspect her, it creates discord from within. the warriors don't know who to trust, they start infighting, and jimmy loses his support. her oil pan is shot. jesus, i don't know. you tell me. you're the indian. get a tail on her, ray. a long way from home. you be careful out there. bingo. it's working. the right man? talk to me, ray. you boys want a soda? no, ray's buying. sherman? coke? genetic ditto on evidence found at the site with evidence you found in his belongings. an incontrovertible motive. and definite footprints on jimmy looks twice at maisy blue legs house. today. and now you -- there's a dog in the van -- you weren't sent here to go off on your own detail, ray. you were sent here to assist in a selective operations unit. these regional agents are inept -- that's why they were sent out here to the graveyard, to indian country. i need you behind me, ray. not pulling against me. your first homicide, that's gonna happen, ray. ray. i never get into bed with somebody unless i know for sure. just the way i was raised. yeah, alright, alright -- fuck you -- give a yuppie a badge and he wants to take over the world. go get a tail on eagle bear, and stay with her. cuz jimmy's gonna show. and i want you to make the collar. ray. i'll sleep around a little. and get rid of the dog. bastards. he's out there. he's out there playing sitting bull with us. i want the motherfucker so bad i'm getting a bleeding ulcer. she's that subtle? well, she's running now, too. these fucking people like to run, don't -- tread matches. it's the car. but this doesn't make any sense, ray. if it's just been sitting in this dry wash for seven days. why the hell didn't we find it? the little walking river. you're right. this is part of it. so whoever sunk this car didn't compensate for drought. goddamn. jesus, you alright? never turn your radio off! i thought i was gonna find you scalped! damn it! -- never mind eagle bear. we've got jimmy nailed. let's go! hands on your head! trailer's clean, let's go. damn. that's one hard running indian. it's over, ray. i aged five years. but it's over. at least i'm gonna look like i'm ready for the advisory desk. let's go get a beer. buffalo burgers and cold beer, raymond. don't worry about the sign out front. you don't have to be indian anymore. you have a fever. you okay? listen: when we get back tomorrow, you're gonna find tully laying a promotion on you. s.a.c. he wants to prove that his yuppie agents are making good. he's offering you new york. tell him you want atlanta. cuz i want new york. national security, ray. get some sleep. tomorrow, we fly. couldn't sleep, ray? that's where you were. you had to go back and have it out with the indian law. you fucking hot head, we can get in trouble for that. you ever put your hands on me again and you'll be doing the books for a baitshop in the fucking everglades, mister. -- what the hell is red deer table? jesus christ. what are you doing? what the hell were you doing out there? this was a selective operations unit, agent levoi. there is classified information pertaining to our national security. you don't question that, you don't go digging into that shit -- that's insubordination. jesus christ -- we were sworn in on the constitution to protect federal matters, ray. i don't know about uranium, i don't know about red dog table -- all i know is we did our job. it's over. no. we neutralized enemies of the united states. anti-american radicals who have killed federal officers out here! jesus, ray. you think i don't like the indians? not true. these were noble people but their day is gone. they're a conquered nation. they want all of america back but they can't even keep the garbage out of their own front yards. it's sad, ray. but it's just the way it is. we have to function as a colonial police force out here. yeah, we're ready. ray! no, damn it. you call teams in and this is gonna be a fucking media event. get me three cars, six agents, block all reservation exits. it's under control. x21. ray. ray, please come in. -- he's not getting off the reservation. freeze! now! crow horse, get your face in the dirt. ray. come forward. let it go. let's just let it go. come on, ray. come forward. sweating, tries to keep control. all around him, hands are on guns. cooch is walking toward ray. ray. i'm coming to talk to you. i'm gonna walk you out of here. and we're gonna get the hell outta this place. ray.