mltaku oyasin. knock it off! will ya knock it off? you're actin' like a couple of old women. for cryin' out loud. knock it off. come inside. watch tv. out back that way. is a placed called wounded knee. i was one years old there when our people were shot down. my mother hid me in the snow in a blanket. one of those killed was a holy man called wakiyan cante -- thunder heart. they killed him while he was running for the stronghold. it is his blood -- the same blood that spilled on the grass and snow at wounded knee -- that runs through your heart like a buffalo. thunder heart has come. sent here to a troubled place to help his people. that's what i am told. maybe you're right and i am mistaken. your mind is young, mine is old. if so, so be it. ho hecetu yelo. i'll speak no more.