you're the indian fbi. the people are glad they sent you. they usually send in guys who come at ya with highbeams, screamin' "drop it, motherfucker", stick a gun in your face, frisk ya down. even if ya got a child with ya. no, it's good to have ya. it's gonna be was-te times on the res. i was gonna warn ya about messin' with somebody's medicine bundle but i forgot you know all about that stuff. you're not gonna catch him. he can shape-shift into different animals. bear. elk. porcupine. jimmy didn't kill leo. why do you wanna do this? -- leo was an apple, that's right. red on the outside, white on the inside. and jimmy hated him. kicked his ass a coupla times. but he didn't kill him. you're the fbi. that's your job, isn't it? ya know how many of our warrior brothers got killed out here? i never saw any investigating then. why now? what's going down here? try the fort laramie treaty. all over again. i'm from minneapolis. fifth street. i did four years at dartmouth before i ever set foot on this res. so i know about the other world, ray. are you gonna keep that medicine bundle or are you gonna respect its power? thank you. grandpa reaches says you come from heavy indian blood. i used to think grandpa was gettin' senile. now i know he is. two-hundred and sixty-seven men, women, old people. and little ones like you. many killed running along that road you see there. a place called the stronghold. they died for a dream. but you live. you are their great-great grandchildren and you live. we have to honor their dream. of protecting the mother earth. and being proud of being indian. yeah, well, let me tell you something, henry: just be glad he wasn't looking for turkey. richard. sing the honoring song with them. i'll be right back. we're praying at the grave. do you wanna join us? so much power. i see it in your eyes. this. hunger for power. or for what you think is power. -- you desecrated it, it had to be burned. you forced an innocent man to run like an animal. you've tried to poison my people's hearts against me with your manipulation, with letters i never wrote. you've been watching me eat, work, raise my family. wash myself in the river. and now you're here, arresting me at a sacred place. in your eyes, that's power. so i plant this tree for you. and i take all this stuff that you've laid on me and my people, and i put it in this hole with this pine cone. and i bury it. cuz ya know what it is, ray? bullshit. and shit is fertilizer. and the mother will turn your lies into something that lives. that's what power is, in the indian way. take me to rapid, ray. i'm the enemy. see those black hills out there, ray? when the people lost the land in 1868, the government took everything but those hills. they allowed us to keep those black hills, to live there. signed a treaty. until they found gold. then they told us we had to leave because of national interest. they broke that treaty. anyone who fought or spoke out against it, wound up dead or in jail. and the people wound up here. on a reservation. while up there, in the black hills. they carved the faces of four presidents. your relatives must've taught you something. wa-shee is like. a dumpling. like tallow we put in stew. i think he was calling you chubby boy. goodbye. wa-shee.