x21, give me a 20. has the officer been shot, x-22? go ahead, ray. okay, ray. i'm coming in. if he starts to leave the area, move in. and hold him. over. come back? ray. x22. remember that upside down flag back at jimmy's house? somebody took it down. they took it down, set fire to it, and threw it on the doorstep of room 13 at the buffalo butte motel. your room. we traced the number of the truck that dumped it, and it belongs to one maggie sanders, also known as maggie eagle bear. she's been all over the res, riling up the traditionals, telling them not to break, and to keep jimmy in hiding. she's a problem now. and she's yours. get her off the reservation. he's on the roof! he's on the fucking roof! come on guys, come on, guys! x21. read. x21. ray. what's your 20? what are you doing on the reservation? x21, please read. ray. ray. x21, please read. this is cooch. please come in, ray. where are you? ray. can you hear me? you are fucked. there's no way out of this. if you won't listen to your own laws, then listen to this: this is president clear moon. this nation does not want your sympathy. you cannot use this reservation as a sanctuary. stop where you are now. whatever you are trying to do is futile, raymond. you have nothing. nothing. yellow bird committed suicide at three o'clock this morning. some gung-ho agent from d.c. pushed him into a corner. you're playing a losing game. pull over. you people tol' me i could beat nine years if i helped you. i helped you! i could beat nine years if i helped you. i helped you!