at the window, observes. cooch enters from the connecting room, puffy-eyed but quickly buttoning his shirt. he shares ray's view. and cooch, kneeling in the weeds, look dumbfounded. and more than a little unnerved. stares at it, lost in thought. from maggie's house, he hears someone singing. singing a traditional sundance song while they haul water from the creek. a woman's voice, trilling out the beautiful but haunting "hey-o-hey-o-hey-o-hey-ohhhhh." paralyzed for a moment. and then going for his gun. but it's not there. he's left it in the car. he breaks into a run. but there's a shorter distance now between the horseman and the car and ray has no choice but to turn and flee. and crow horse walk toward them. to the place they just left. a place in the dirt, they were digging up. when they reach it, they stare down into the dirt.