are you the washington redskin?
the washington redskin. thought you'd be gone by now.
what ya want?
since i got a iron pipe put across my knees, man. fight with three wasi'cus, ya know.
no, that was leavenworth. this -- was sioux falls. what ya want?
you ever try solitary confinement?
washington sent ya. i know that.
i'm here, ain't i?
what the fuck you talkin' about?
what's with you people? why do ya have to fuck with my head all the time? i came through, man.
i get thrown in solitary until i don't know my own fuckin' name, and then you people tell me i can beat nine years if i help you. i helped you!
they said i'd never see fbi again, and i'm livin' with you fuckers. i don't feed ya information on the warriors, it's back to the pen. i don't do this, back to the pen. your word against my word. against a con indian's word. i really got a chance, man, right?
what the fuck, man? what do you people want? i did what you wasi'cu's told me to do.
no way. no fuckin' way.
i blew his back out with a buffalo gun, that's how i know! now you're gonna say i didn't, so you can throw me back in solitary?
miles. three other suits. that's all i know 'em as -- suits. were you there?
what do you know about spirits? you ain't no in'dn.
i took him out before he got the chance. he didn't say nothin' about tashka sha. and now his spirit is in the dirt. forever.
red deer table! what's with you, man?
wait a minute. wait -- what are you doin'? you ain't a fbi. you ain't the law. let me see your --
all i know.  is i did what i did.  and i ain't in solitary, gettin' pumped up with downer, gettin' beat to shit. but i tell you what, suit. take me back. cuz i can't take this shit no more.
man, i don't know who the fuck i am no more.