who the heck're you? we're a bit busy at the moment, i'll give you a statement in a few minutes if we're still alive. alright boys, look close. let's assess. it's a "girl" ! where did you get this? high-grade det cord. this girl, either she's got strange taste in jewelry or she's into serious demolition. sorry about that. that's an inch of the stuff, imagine what the whole thing'd do. hey wait a minute- bev, you're the greatest. alright, let's check it out. easy, guys. when you need us, you love us, when you don't, we're shunned by the rest of the department. call upstairs, see what you can find out. t.j., run a trace on this, see if you can pin down where it came from. whoever these people are, let's hope they're all talk. he's with us. hope you don't mind, captain, might help us catch these guys that much sooner. coming? that cop who bought it. you didn't tell us he was your partner. let's get something straight. we're doing you a favor. you're not exactly a guy we want around explosives. this isn't bumper cars, it's brain surgery. you wanna work with us, you do it our way, understand? be cool around my men, they don't trust strangers. and try not to swear so much, it's unattractive. by the way, i'm glass. this is t.j., and pooch. we don't use the b-word. bad luck. treat. we treat devices. don't push it, slick. c4, plastic explosive. lemme see that. unlikely. probably, cash register or something. i was wrong. this didn't come from any cash register. it's from an ira. i.r.a. device. deadliest class of tickers in existence. computerized, multiple sensors, booby traps, the works. first showed up in a series of i.r.a. bombings in london couple years ago. one of their boys tripped it on himself and they went back to a less complicated timers. the girl, is she irish? only once, at redstone. relax, pooch, it's just a ticker, it's not personal. nice performance back there. where'd you learn that, mike ditka sensitivity seminar? no you look, mister! first, you don't go calling my men names. it's bad for morale. second, us "punks" happen to know a heck of alot more about police work than any vice cop ever did. drive. then let's go see what they missed. so what were they doing here? an abandoned machine shop. nice place to build devices. low rent, too. but, you and rice ruined their perfect hideout. redstone's the army training center in alabama where they send the cream of the crop to learn about tickers. top of my class at west point, thank you very much. then off to redstone. first half of the course we learned how to build devices. second half, we'd take them apart. everything from firecrackers to hydrogen bombs. there were a few guys in my class with names like john smith, bill jones. i'd see them up ahead in the hall, call their name, but they wouldn't turn around. c.i.a. funny thing, they'd always disappear after the first half of the course. with a little training, you could go into a house and just from stuff in the bathroom and kitchen make something that'd finish off that alleged car of yours. heck, didn't you ever watch macgyver? typical profile, usually losers, nobodies that're afraid to confront their victims. they like scaring people. that's why they call in their threats. same mentality as obscene phone callers. no, ninety-ninety percent of them are full of baloney. they're into the power trip, not the damage. what scares me is that this guy is so sophisticated he could blow up whatever he wants, then disappear. the worst of the bunch, they love the challenge of creating the wildest device ever. and they love the carnage. this is where the van was parked. then, it's gotta be here somewhere . bingo! industrial wood oil. separately, any one of these things could lead in several directions, but together . a bowling alley. hey, matches are a very big thing in our line of work. bev, give `em a call, find out what bowling alleys they supply in this area. pooch, why don't you e-mail your buddies at langley and on the other side of the pond, see if any iras been popping up lately? we work fast enough for you? how long are we going to stay? political. not bad for bomb squad, eh? right. it's a small fraternity, everyone knows everyone. i'm always recruiting. pooch is ex- d.o.d., military expert. claymores, grenades. he played linebacker at boston college, worked a k-9 unit - that led him to the bomb squad. great nose, lousy fingers, we try to keep him away from the tickers. t.j. is a heck of chemist, texas a&m engineering degree. found him in a militia chat room - turns out we were both monitoring the same groups. bev is the natural born hacker, we stole her from dispatch. she had the cave reorganized and ultra-high-tech in two months. captain has no idea how much hardware she's "found" for us. we've gotta be. in this business, you don't exactly make alot of outside commitments. i don't know, it's strange. it's not the best career path, but when you get the bug, there's nothing you can do about it. see, when you beat one of these things. he set one, the son-of-a. alright. let's assess. okay, i'm going in, nobody breathe. one shuts it down, one turns arms it. i don't know. there's an old saying, when in doubt, cut the yellow wire. is this a great job or what? meg's lasagna. good eats, reilly. c'mon. how long were you hooked? you don't have to talk about it. take a tip from the bomb boys, always assess, if only for a second. your partner? let me see. no you're not, you just don't understand them. here, do what i tell you. congratulations, you just built your first ticker. alright! any word? ex-girlfriend? what's up? driving in circles, waiting for- how do you know? should we head for the interstate? no, i'd slip out past the hotel district, behind greyhound. reilly! he's loaded! reilly, he's got enough to do it. hold on to that thing tight. off the scale. can you hold it? right. he has a timer going as back-up, in case we got a hold of the remote. okay. first, run your fingers along the edges, feel for a sensor. good, now the other side. okay, let's go in. close your eyes, feel your fingertips. tell me everything you feel. don't touch that. stay to your left. that's the blasting cap - good! okay, now grab it by the base and pull it straight up. no, wait. too easy. there's gotta be something else in there, another cap maybe. ease your thumb over to the right - feel anything? okay, one of the caps turns it on, the other shuts it down. i don't know. when in doubt, pull the yellow wire. no excuses, just do it! all clear, but we need an ambulance! you're late.