smell anything, schnoz? me, neither. schnoz says it's loaded. good boy, schnozzie. whadaya think, "boy" or "girl"? no shit. i better send meg flowers just in case. he is! fire in the hole! that'd be some explosive pussy he's got his hands on. no, honey, i'm fine. yeah, well, you're welcome. you deserve flowers more often. assist? what the hell you know about tickers anyway? what do you think? right. that there's schnoz, mascot and ace bomb sniffer. say hi, schnozzie. nitro, dash of semtrex, vegetable oil . i don't know. good boy, schnoz. daddy loves you. hey, check this out? we missed you, where'd you go? awright! how bout you, glass, how's that chip shaking? whadaya mean? oh shit. shit. we're fucked. shut up, t.j.! ka-boooom. resin. "punks", huh? you got it. unsolved bombings in the last year. boston, new york, philadelphia. but no real match exactly my thinking. except, none of the targets can actually be linked to government, political or special interest concerns. they seem to be just unrelated industrial companies. some insured, some not. i got a friend over at scotland yard who's gonna try and reach out to a undercover guy who would know if any of the rightwingers are circulating over here. bev's following up on the briefcase manufacturers, too. how're you guys doing? oh shit. i don't know, honey. i'll see. no, everything's fine, it was nothing. in case you change your mind. time for bed, kiddos. say goodnight. nothing. maybe they gave up, split town. oh. damn.