look who's talking, old man. i gotta get back on top. get off the sleaze detail. so what'll you do? after they give you the gold watch. you don't fish. you outta the city. that's a fish out of water. what's with all this family talk lately, anyway? no thanks. i got close but it never woulda worked. what are you talking about, it's purring like a kitty. she didn't work out, had to cut her loose. she wanted to cook me breakfast. nah, let's just take a look-see. ow! son-of-a-bitch. yeah, just a nick . drop it! tell them to drop it - now! don't talk. it don't work- captain. sir, i-- i want to work this. but sir-- looks like the stuff my dad used to use to blow up tree stumps back in scranton. i'll do it. i'm looking for the bomb squad. where are they? officer reilly, vice. -where? thanks. bomb squad. you the bomb squad? reilly, vice. i- who's in charge here? look, it's important. it's about this. off a girl's wrist. a suspect. what? what do you mean? thanks. captain- a ticking bomb. it's detonation cord, for a bomb. i'll do it. look, i saw these guys, i can i.d. them. yes, sir. we just got a bomb threat upstairs. we can start in the area where the robbery occurred. captain assigned me to assist you. what're you talking about? we've got one hour. are you coming or not? you touch me again and-- sir. what was-? why? what? now wait just a fucking- mike reilly. what kind of bomb was it? huh? so you're the "device squad". and you defuse "devices"? anything else i should know? i'll get back to you. i'm sorry, detective, but you're just not my type. where's the girl? the one i brought in. any luck? captain said i could give it a crack. she was my collar. maybe i'll get lucky. but, if you got a problem with that, talk to the captain. you remember me. let me be very clear about this. the police won't let you go. when your boyfriend realizes this, i have a feeling a lot of innocent people are going to die. kids, families. i know you don't want that to happen. a what? she's not talking. but, she could be. so, obviously, you've seen one of these devices before? where? all of you, shut the fuck up! hey, look-- oh yeah? prove it. the place has already be combed. forensics pulled over a hundred sets of prints inside. i don't know. you tell me? you mentioned something called redstone. cream of the crop, huh? you? sounds like terrorist heaven. just how easy is it to build a. device? girl was here. the guy in charge was over there with one of his men, the other one was back there. except they'll blow you up if you don't play along. yep. look, it's a longshot. nitro-cellulose. what is that, some kind of explosive? you mean you just--? . you keep a record of. matches? t.j., what're you doing? someone who smokes french cigarettes. `til we get a better lead. insurance? what not bad. you've got a series of bombs, devices, that may or may not be connected, set by one or many nutjobs, who may or may not be linked. well. it's more than we had ten minutes ago. still waiting for a miracle. go ahead. you guys seem pretty tight. why do you do it? looks like pooch's doing okay. there he goes. he was here the whole time. say, thanks for the back up-- you heard him, get the fuck away, it's a bomb! so cut both. which one's which? no, i'm with you. nothing. nothing traceable. got work to do, don't we? report on the case so far. yes, sir. mike. no thanks, i'm fine. `night. what? pittsburgh, two years ago. partner died, no back-up, i was too gung-ho. as usual. i know. i was working a drug ring, deep cover. played the part too well. when they pulled me out, i wasn't a cop anymore. my fiance had dumped me. next thing i knew, i was out here on the street, doped up, auditioning for the morgue when this tough old vice cop found me, cleaned me up, gave me a second chance. he promised captain winters he'd look out for me. i guess i didn't realize how much i needed him. he kept me straight. it's been tough every second since. i terrible with mechanical things. it's working. okay, hit it. don't bet on it. how's the print coming? damn. no thanks, bev. yes, sir. i didn't. but i had to try. yes, sir. yes, sir. hello. but they weren't all insured. who is he? taylor's dead. thank you. then why tell me? be right back. no, of course not. well, thanks anyway. here you go, your highness. you're beautiful! we're back in business! glass, there they are. pooch right in front of you, you got `em, you got `em. my god, you're going to use her, aren't you? i promised her she'd be safe. it won't work, he'll know it's a trap. i know. glass--! c'mon, move it. dispatch, this is reilly. patch me through to the bomb squad. just do it. t.j., it's reilly, put glass on! where you guys at? catch that alert? that's him in the u-haul. cuz he got the girl, now he's leaving town. would you? me, too. glass, eighth street, alley behind grand hotel. cut him off. all units, suspect spotted heading down alley behind grand hotel. fire me later. close in and we got the bastard. we'll keep him pinned in, you guys hurry up! glass, you guys take cover, goddammit! fuck factor? what do we do? talk to me. let's assess. c'mon, talk to me! we can do it! nothing. keep talking. wires. metal, cold. something soft. more metal. sharp edge. something round, two wires . what's wrong? make up your mind, trigger. yeah, another round thing. which one's which? what. ? how the hell do you feel yellow? thanks. thank you, captain. Nice to be here.