know what the problem is, kid? you're too ugly to get propositioned. c'mon, it's a quiet night. next week we work the park. you will, one day at a time. i'll be old and grey when it happens. here you go, your highness. hell, i got a gold watch. it just don't work. maybe they'll give me a new fishing pole, or something useful. how hard can it be? the grand kids been buggin' me about taking them camping. one of these days you're gonna get tired of fighting the shit. when that happens, you'll wish you had family. why don't you just shoot it and put it out of its misery? i thought you said what's-her-name's brother was going to fix it. what was it this time? we're vice, i didn't see no pimps or hookers in that van. but if you're so gung-ho, we'd best call it in for some back-up. you okay? freeze! police! mike. take your time. one day at a time, kid. ain't that a shit--