you folks best be careful about what you do up here. never know who's watching. it's easy to spot the city folk. it's like they're trying to be friendly, when really they don't want to be. darryl. where you runnin' off to? and why do you suppose we mean to make trouble? you folks enjoy the spirits? why don't you try a taste of this? fifty bucks. i'll sell you the jar for fifty bucks. pleasure doing business with ya. take care now. ida, you in there?! ida! ida, lemme in! what took you so long? i'm looking for a man hiker. he had a lady friend, but. i'm just looking for him now. he busted darryl's face in with a shotgun. left him a mess of blood and teeth. nearly killed him. you spot anyone you don't know, you be sure to find me. clyde! i stopped by your place the other day. so have you seen or heard anything about that man hiker? when was this? bullshit. i saw their car last night in the parking lot at base. so they didn't leave, "just before dusk." something don't feel right here, clyde. between you and ida. what do you know about that hiker you ain't telling me? shit. get rid of the dope. what's this about? these two are missing? you talk to clyde about this? how much? how much they offering? well, me and lonnie will keep a lookout for you too. anything we can do to help. i'm going in. you don't want to, then don't. check round back or something.