oh. didn't mean to startle you folks. just clearing some of the brush off it's not, but. it's one of my favorite spots, so i often find an excuse to swing by. yup. there are a couple more falls in the park, but none quite so. inviting as this one. now don't take my word for it, you can see for yourself. how long's your stay? yeah, no. the other falls are clear on the other side. it would take you a couple nights just to get there. the city, huh. which? if it's charleston, i wouldn't blame ya. whole place smells like feet. i gotta haul myself all the way down to the hospital there for my yearly because the darn hmo's rules and regulations won't let me visit the local doc. not my cup of tea at all, but if you like it there, then. oh. i've been there, few years back. now that city i like. lotta beautiful churches if i recall correctly. which congregation do y'all belong to? well. i should get back to work. sun'll be down soon and that path ain't gettin'clear on its own. the name's clyde. be happy too. let's see. oh, i got it. "five corners" will be perfect. it's just a bit up the ways here, near the lake. it's five large rocks which sit in a clearing with a view of the whole park. the rocks retain the heat from the day, so if you set up camp between them you won't be so cold. just doing my job. you have fun and be careful. good evening. oh my stars, what happened to you? calm down. i can't make heads or tails of what you're saying. look, miss, there's no one there. it's going to be fine, miss. i promise you. everything's going to be fine. deacon, what's going on? how the heck did she escape? want something done, gotta do it yourself. deacon! that's enough. get him ready. and jesus answered and said unto them, "each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. the husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband." and so, in the presence of our lord jesus christ, i ask you michael. and you sheryl, do you accept the sacred covenant of marriage? i'll ask again. do you accept this covenant of marriage? then by the power vested in me, i pronounce you man and wife. you may kiss the bride. do not use that type of language in this house again. now. kiss the bride or. . he'll cut off your lips. gonna untie your mouth, now. have a little "man to man" talk. how well do you know your bible, michael? i told you before to watch that mouth, mister. you through? i'll ask again. how well do you know the bible? that's okay. it's fine. that's why i am here. teach you the way things are and the way they should be. lord knows the will of a man gets tested. cruelly most times. but the righteous persevere. they do what needs to be done, even though they don't want to. it's what makes a man, a man. let me tell you the story of judas, he was one of jesus's apostles. judas led roman soldiers to the capture and eventual death of our lord jesus christ. and now, is supposedly seated next to satan, his soul burning in hell forever for this sin. but i don't believe that's the case. i have my own theory. the death of jesus was predicted thousands of years before judas ever came along. and for the prophecy to be fulfilled, jesus had to die. if he didn't, the gates of heaven couldn't be opened for mankind. i don't think, for an instant, judas wanted to be the one, but. someone had to. judas helped jesus, so jesus could die for our sins. save us all. and i believe at this moment. judas is in heaven, despite his sin, because it led to the greater good. relations prior to marriage is a sin. you and sheryl are sinners in the lord's eyes. and because of those sins, your souls are damned. but ida and me, we're gonna give you a chance to save your souls and do the right thing, but. as previously stated, you will need to persevere and show the strength and will of your character. but you'll do it. because that's what needs to be done. she can conceive fine. just. can't seem to make it all the way through. timothy was the toughest. made it to month eight. city doctor had some fancy mumbo-jumbo words for the condition. breaks my heart every time. that woman was born to be a mother. it's her calling in life. just like you and sheryl have a calling. ida'll come back in a little bit, check to see that the deed has been done. if it hasn't. the next time you see your little lady. a piece of her will be missing. what did i tell you about the language? deacon will be right outside that door. the only door. this room has no windows and is buried twenty feet below ground. cutting to the chase. there's no way out and you can scream yourself hoarse, no one will hear you. it will. i promise. was i at all unclear yesterday? did you understand what was expected of you? clearly you did not understand. you did not even attempt relations last evening. you didn't have a problem when penetration was a sin, but when it's your wife, it's sick?!? unbelievable. you knew the rules, michael. i warned you. now, deacon, here, will remind you. i'm going to be late for work. might be a bit late. i have an errand that needs attending to. g'morning, brody. ida mentioned. in fact i have. i saw him and his lady leave. yesterday. just before dusk. believe what you want. well, i was down at base this morning. car's gone now. i don't have time for this. take your hand off me, brody. i told you, brody. i saw them leave. let it go. do we need to provide you with some more motivation? that may very well be. but they won't find your car. it's time. we do appreciate your honesty, michael. and believe me, we understand your extreme situation, but. punishment's going to have to be handed down. go for, clyde. restrain him. copy that. get him in the other room. now. noose is starting to tighten, ida. we're gonna have to double our efforts, here. i think we have to have another. man to man discussion, here, michael. seems as though, time is now factoring into our situation. we're not violent people, michael. it pains us to pain you. now see, this is what i am talking about. it's your attitude. it's the disobedience, the cussing. sooner we get what we want, then no further harm has to fall upon you and your wife. what was that? this is getting out of hand, y'all. nobody wanted what just almost happened to sheryl to happen. but, you keep dragging this thing out. things are gonna. happen. ida. you know what we have to do? abortion? no. that we won't do. ida, writings on the wall here. michael's right. with a reward on the table, do you think brody and lonnie will be the only two coming? gonna have lots people looking for these two. we're gonna have to make it so no one can ever find them. we'll find another couple, ida. it's too dangerous. we'll find another couple. a better one. i'll do what needs to be done. you finish up here. and watch your time, rain's coming. what the?