hey, brody, lonnie. check this out. looks like we got ourselves a little party. like a peach. finders keepers. plenty of time'fore that. spirits. betcha never tasted nuthin'like that? or maybe we could do us a little trade. nah. it's nothing. whoa. take it easy. who? what the fuck you talking about? i didn't fuckin' do nothing. i don't know! foun' towel. i foun' the towel. don' kill me. please. i foun' it. up. up the paf back `dere. just a bit ago. fuckin'swear! didn't think you had dat in you, city boy. shit. i just got dis shirt. damn shame you lost dat fine piece o'ass. something dat sweet don't come'round every day. even for pretty folk like you. you best hope you find her'fore i do. `cause i will enjoy tearing her ass apart. and when i'm done there, i will cut her eyeballs out and skull fuck her. any luck, brody's already beat me to it.