you folks need some help?
well, take it from me, any way you choose, you can't go wrong.
willow creek bridge. i think sam only knows those two trails. well. between those, i'd pick donner trail. willow creek will shoot you to the top, but there's not as much to see. donner weaves through peddler's point, it's a better hike and prettier all around view.
that's a pretty ring.
not your traditional wedding ring, but it's all the same in the lord's eyes. how long have you two been wed?
oh, i'm sorry. you just looked like you was married is'all. both so beautiful. i'm just an old fashioned silly-bird. i need to mind my own business.
clearings? neither will give you much in the way of clearings. but, there's another path, this one here. timber falls. its got some beautiful vistas and one of the prettiest falls you'll ever see.
well, i'll leave you to it. last thing you need is me fussing'round you, taking you from your private time.
i'm just gonna say it and go, but if you two were to marry.  i bet the lord would bless you with a happy, healthy and handsome child. good luck and god bless you both.
michael, can you hear me? michael.
look who's up.
you're in my home, michael. you gave me quite a scare. i thought i lost you.
lucky the snap didn't break the bone, just bruised it. i know that's of little comfort now, but trust me, it's a good thing. that dirty trap however's prime for spreading infection, need to finish cleaning out that wound and then i'll get some "evening primrose" in you. same stuff the indian tribes used it back in the day to heal, well.  just about everything. so's do i.
try and relax.
you don't have to thank me. up here, we take care of one another. that's the only way any of us survive.
oh for the sake of sunshine.  how rude a host am i? name's ida foster.
i'm moving as fast as i can, sweetie.
i'm sorry, but i don't. never really had use for one. i do have a radio. we can call down to base if you'd like.
after we take care of you.
you want to lose this leg? cause that's what you're risking. soon as we're done, i'll call. okay?
bite down on this.  i ain't gonna lie.  lotta pain about to hit you sweetheart.
it's okay. it's almost over.
we'll get some of that primrose in you and you'll be good as new.
i'll take care of it right now.
why's that?
i'll take care of it.
i'm coming!
what do you want, brody?
this "man hiker" alone or wit someone?
well, i ain't seen no one in days.
what'd he do you for anyway?
he's gone. brody and those boys are a pain in the backside. i'm sure that cousin of his had it coming.
sorry, i wasn't able to reach anyone.
please don't take the lord's name in vain in this house.
drink this.
i'm sure they're just on rounds and will be back any minute. we'll try them again and we'll find sheryl. you'll see. she probably just took a wrong turn up here, ended up in the middle of "don't know where." happens lots of times. please drink up, michael, it will make you feel better.
what's wrong?
excuse me?
i'm sure you're mistaken. you musta told me before.
well, how else could i have known your name?
you're accusing me of stealing your wallet? i saved your life. twice. why would i steal your wallet? now, just drink your primrose.
where do you think you're going?
i can't let you in there.
you sinners are all alike. i heard you last night. spitting in the face
you and your bitch whore girlfriend will atone for your sins.
perfect. just perfect. you are lovely as a summer's day. it's almost time.
i know you will.
i'll be right back.
you get away from her. git! now!
i'm sorry about that, sugar. my brother, he's not well.
it's not all his fault. our father wasn't very christian and then there was the accident. along with the scarring, lost use of his vocals. can't speak a lick. now, i've spoken to him. what happened with the others won't happen to you. he's promised me that.
i'm gonna take that out of your mouth now. i brought you some tea, got some primrose in it. help you relax, get some rest. okay?
drink the tea.
that's better. good girl. i almost forgot to ask.  how does it feel being married?
i thought you'd be happy about that. all i ever wanted out of life was two things.  to be married and to have a baby. the lord blessed me with clyde and i thank him every day for that.
but having a baby's been.  complicated.
you're young, strong.  it's gonna be easy for you. not like me.
you're gonna have a baby, sheryl. my baby.
she'll be out for hours, but she's fine.
now, we know conception's not automatic. so don't feel like all the pressure's on right now. we're prepared to do this however long it takes. you give us the effort each time, eventually the magic will happen.
we'll let you have your privacy now. oh, almost forgot.
it's gotta work this time.
promise me. promise me, clyde.
be home at the regular time?
you should concern yourself with what's about to happen to you.
you think you're so much smarter than me, don't you?
yes you do. admit it'cause i can see it in your eyes, darling. with your fancy schools and job and such. you think you are better than me.
might surprise you, but i was quite the student back in the day. straight a's. every subject'cept for science. infuriated me how they tried to explain away the lord's creations. our teacher, mr. billings, once said.  in the future, humans won't be born with a pinky finger'cause of evolution. of all the.  i shouted, "no! we are created in the lord's image.  not some nonsensical theory by darwind."
i suppose mr. billings and mr. darwind can stand up and cheer, because you, little lady.  you're about to evolve.
you think i want to hurt a pretty thing like you? pains me, but.  until you and your husband obey, my hands, much like yours, are tied.
you don't know anything about me or what i've gone through.
you can help.  by following the rules.
you wouldn't want to put that lovely bride of yours through a day like she had today again, now would you?
no. you promised. you promised, this time, would be the time. i want that baby. you promised.
leave that to me.
deacon! stop right there!
out! get out!
i sent deacon away for a bit. he knows he done wrong. you say right now that you are ready to perform your marital duties, then i'll keep him away.
you take that back!
take it back.
how very brave. fine. i won't torture you. i'll torture her. i can bring back deacon. let him have her. plenty of other holes he can go into where a baby can't be made.
or maybe we can just start dicing. all we need is a healthy heart, brain and uterus. she don't need the rest of her fingers, or toes.  or her nose, ears. i could carve out her eye right now.
then you will give me my baby. my child, born in wedlock, saved from its sinner parents and raised to fear god and give him praise.
you're lying.
no, no, no, no! this can't be. no!
no. i can give her an abortion. get rid of the bastard child, make them conceive one in wedlock. and then we are right as rain.
it'll work. ain't no sin to abort a demon.
no. you promised me, clyde, this time was the one.
it's not fair.
in for a penny, in for a pound. i can't save your soul now, michael. i tried. i gave you a way to cleanse yourself of all your sins and deliver you to heaven.  and how do you repay me?
by killing my clyde?!?
there is no soul blacker than yours. and now, by the grace of god, i must deliver you to satan myself.