come on, hit me. you got one? "warning shots", thievery corporation. come on. next one. "bullets" by the editors. i know i don't have to be. it's called good music. you should try to familiarize yourself with it, instead of listening to the crap you do. hurts me to be the one to tell you. you gotta be more like me, baby. think new, fresh, cutting edge. i'm looking for the next beatles, u2 or radiohead. how'd that get on there? must be a mistake. okay, give me that. good morning. well. ah. two days. heading out early sunday. we've done some ah-- where do we camp? nurse betty here's my first aid kit. sorry. thanks. you getting anything? i'll lock them in the car. why? seriously. okay, we all set? let's do this. i was just seeing if you were paying attention. not a chance. high school reunions serve only two purposes. to try to me? i was a stoner. how the hell am i supposed to remember? i was high all the time. where'd you get that bandana? and when you were buying it, you didn't think that maybe. the last one? the entire army-navy store. sold out? fucking nasty. looks like it's a, or was, a fox. come on. guidebook says a couple of these other trails lead to some pretty sweet views. we're just going over our options here. which one of those trails got the best clearings? sounds perfect. yeah? not yet? love taking your shots, don't ya? that path she was talking about winds through these falls. what do you think? and they say romance is dead. timber falls it is. who's lewis and. or clark? you're going to lose that out here. february 27, 2006. i remember every moment with you. ouch! fuck! my hand. something stuck it. fuck. that stung. you know me and blood. we don't do so well. not bad, nightingale. not bad at all. it's probably the deer. maybe it's someone, or something, stalking us. something inhuman watching our every move. something coming for you, sheryl. what? this is a joke. you're not really mad, are you? sheryl? i'm sorry! unbelievable. sheryl! sheryl, wait up! sheryl?! this isn't funny. sheryl?! sheryl! you bitch. truce? don't disappear on me again. we were just moving our way up the mountain. appreciate the advice. i think we learned our lesson. no, we're from virginia, just up for a weekend trip. and, uh. you folks live up here? i think you just startled us is all. we'll just be on our way. may i have those? we just want to get a little further along before the sun sets. look. we don't want any trouble. we just want to be on our way. excuse me? the what? sure. yeah. let me get my wallet. are you okay? same reason you brought your cellphone. better to have it and not need it. to protect us. you want to go back? sheryl? i'm sorry. fuck. you alright? i'm sorry. i thought. i wasn't thinking. what do you want me to do? what. now? out here? i can't just leave it here in the woods, some kid could find it. yes. it's fine. we were led to believe this trail wasn't regularly patrolled. this is a quickie trip. just getting out of the city for a couple days. but apparently we look like we are. um. not sure. sheryl keeps track of all that for us. sheryl? thanks. what? whoa. wait a sec. it'll be dark soon. sher. seriously. let's wait `til morning. i think its pretty obvious that i don't. that was. the worst dinner ever. yeah, i'm aware. you know what would make this evening perfect? moonshine. i got a whole jar of it. there's a sentence i never thought i'd say. "i have a jar of moonshine." matter of fact, i've got enough to share with our entire congregation. our home city, of course. but i should start with you. would you like some moonshine? then what would you like? not very christian of you. what's that mean? i was good. i mean, even better than usual. if i don't say so myself, yeah. top notch performance. what, you disagree? no. all me. what did she say? you are relentless. i get it, but it makes me feel like the bad guy every time. which makes me feel like shit. do out there, what you did in here. put out the fire. sheryl! sheryl! fuck! sheryl! sheryl! where is she!? where is she? what did you do to her? where is she?! you have sheryl's towel. what the fuck did you do to her?! what? you found it? that's you're fucking story, you inbred fuck?! stop fucking lying or i will kill you! shut the fuck up. sonofabitch! sheryl! help!?!?! ow! where am i? thank you. for saving my life. um. i'm sorry, but i don't know your name. ida, i need some help. no, not me. it's sheryl. my girlfriend. you met her with me yesterday. something's happened to her. she was gone this morning when i woke up. i looked everywhere and i couldn't find her. we need to call someone. a ranger. somebody. we need to find her right away. do you have a phone? i'm fine, ida, please. if you could call now. ida? the radio. please. can you call down please? he's looking for me. i think he had something to do with sheryl going missing. what did the ranger say? does he need to speak to me? when is he coming? god damnit! i'm sorry. something's not right. how did you know my name? michael. you keep calling me michael. you did it just now. you did before, just after i woke up. you called me michael. nobody calls me michael. no, i would have told you "mike." only my grandmother, who's dead, ever called me michael. on my driver's license and credit cards, it says michael. if you stole my wallet from the campsite. that's how you'd have known. fuck the primrose! i want to call the ranger myself. i'm getting in that room, ida. where is sheryl, ida? she's in that room, isn't she? sheryl!? oh my god. i need something to cut you down, baby. are you okay? who's he? fuck! sheryl, run! get the fuck out of here! now! why are you doing this? we did nothing to you people. let us go! you fucking people are fucking sick! i love you. what are you doing? let her go! sheryl! let her go!. please, let her go! sheryl! please. it's not too late. let us go. we won't tell anyone. jesus fucking christ. fuck you. not very. what exactly do you want from us? oh my god. what have you done to her? you're out of your fucking minds. no, but. yes, but. how do you expect. what you're asking to do is sick. you're sick. you don't have to do this. come on. no more. please. no more. what are you going to do with that? how do you expect me to do this? like this? you'll never get away with this. we have friends and family. they know where we went. they'll come looking for us. they'll find us! oh baby, what did they do to you? i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. yeah. you're awake? it's okay. i'm okay. i don't know. what? absolutely not. no fucking way. forget the fact, that the moment you get pregnant, they'll kill me. then the moment you give birth, you're dead. beyond both of those reasons. ain't no fucking way i am going to give them our child. for all my coward marriage moments. i've thought about our child. is that stupid? i picture what he'll be like. wishful thinking. i picture your heart. your eyes. and i picture us, raising him. growing old with him. no. ain't no fucking way i'm going to give him to them. they keep talking about sins. that would be the worst sin of them all. i'll get us out of this, sheryl. i promise you. you don't have to check. nothing happened. i told you. i told they'd be coming. i don't know. seems as though deacon and yourselves get a real kick out of it. way i see it, you need us alive. you need us, period. and now that park services and state police are looking for us, you're starting to panic, have you ever thought that god doesn't want you to have a child? that's why he fucking kills them before they're born. because you're fucking insane monsters that don't deserve a child. no. go ahead and torture me. there's absolutely no way i would ever give a child of mine to you. no! help! down here! believe me, i understand your extreme situation, but. punishment's going to have to be handed down. one down. fuck. no more ammo. i can't make it. clyde's walkie-talkie. it's probably upstairs. find it. call the ranger base. my gun. see if you can find our stuff. my gun's in my backpack, side pocket. there's another box of ammo. let's get out of this alive first, then you can bitch me out, okay? it's okay, baby. go. sheryl! love you.