chill. i gotta find -- alright. you loaded these songs. you don't need to be so impressed with yourself. i haven't even heard of half these bands. i listen to crap? i'm sure it does. so, where does this band fall into that group? fresh, new or cutting edge? you loaded the songs. you tell me? says here you've listened to it 86 times. is this true? have you always wanted to be a cowboy? you also got "men without hats" greatest hits? i didn't know they qualified for a greatest hits album. can you break me off a little "safety dance"? precisely like that. any particular path? no. nothing like this. donner trail? as in "the donner party?" great. don't mind him. i'm a nurse. yes, we have a first aid kit. people live up here? i'll take mine. just to annoy you. in an emergency, i'd rather have a phone that may not work up there, than not have a phone that may work up there. yup. hey, einstein. what do you think, leave the tent or maybe take it with us? it could be fun. so what were you? so what does that mean? it's cute, right? i stopped by that army-navy store on grover yesterday. keeps the sweat out of your eyes. oh. well. it was the last one. yeah. completely. there was some sort of run on bandanas at the last minute. here. you big baby. what is it? what do you think? "cannibal" trail or the other one? we're not lewis and. or clark. we're gonna stick to one of the ones the ranger said. the ranger at base suggested donner trail or. what do you think? thank you. oh. we're not married. not yet anyway. it's a ring my father gave me for graduation. no, it's fine. i suddenly feel the need for confession. when i see an opening. i think. if you get eaten by a bear and there isn't a ranger around, i'm not carrying what's left of you down this mountain. you really were stoned through high school. it's fine. i never take it off. not since you gave it to me. betcha don't remember. i've got you so whipped. what? it's okay. it's not too deep. let me get the first aid kit. gotta clean the wound, baby. i know. all done. did you hear something? the deer went in the other direction. quit it. i said, knock it off. just when i think there's hope for you. you're an asshole. good old hansel. following the trail of bread crumbs. doesn't feel good to be teased, does it? truce. fifty bucks sounds like a bargain. pay the man. you brought a gun? why did you bring a gun? lotta good it just did. we should have stuck to one of the patrolled paths. yeah. do you know how many times i've had someone die on me? how many children? i stopped keeping count. get rid of the gun. then get rid of the bullets now and when we get home, you get rid of the gun. please. was that all of them? thank you. it's gorgeous. just til sunday. maybe next time. no, we're not from charleston. we live in alexandria. it's just outside of d.c. uh. we're between congregations at the moment. excuse me. sir? clyde, would you recommend a nice spot nearby to make camp for the night? sounds perfect. this is incredible. ranger said there's a lake near by. the lake. i'd kill to rinse off. where's your sense of adventure? fine. do you know what you are doing? you cooked. in charleston. i'd like to fuck you. i'm more old testament. not sure. but i think it's the nastier of the two books. if you don't say so. nah, it was good. do you think i had anything to do. fine. i liked what the old woman said about us earlier. that she thought we were married. i wouldn't be a proper girlfriend if i didn't nag every now and then. i'm sorry. i didn't mean that. where are you going? what's that? get me out of here. hurry. he'll be back soon. come on, come on, come on. what are you doing? mike? mike? mike? mike? thank you god. help! you have to help me. i was kidnapped. my boyfriend came. and this man's chasing me. he's chasing me right now. he's coming. he's right behind me. oh my god, mike. i want you, deacon. i want you to fuck me. hard. please don't do this. please let me go. please. i just want to go home. why are you doing this? wh-what? what are they doing to him? what are you doing, ida? no. no, i don't. please ida, don't. don't do this. i know about your condition, ida. it's not your fault. there are a lot of women that can't carry a baby full term. i know how much you're hurting. i'm here for you now. i'll help you. please. are they gone? i didn't swallow that shit she gave me. oh my god. mike. you're not okay. we're not okay. what are we gonna do? maybe. we should just give them what they want? if it stops them from hurting you and me. maybe we should. he? no. no! that's why you married us? so we could conceive our child in wedlock? the fucking joke's on you. i'm already pregnant. eight weeks yesterday. i was trying to find the right time to tell you. what is it? i'm not leaving you. what good's the gun? you tossed away the bullets. mike!?! hello? come in, please. we need help. is anyone there? please, someone? is anyone there that can help? mike! hey! burn in hell you sonofabitch! you did it, baby. you saved me. you said you would and you did. stay with me, mike. stay with me. well, if you love me. fight. please baby, fight. i'll be back in a second, mike. don't you even fucking think about leaving me alone. shit. come on, baby. fight. oh please god. why? what is it? what is it? no. it's not possible. fuck you it's gonna be alright.