well. are we or are we not invited to dinner? leave him alone, can't you? marvelous. oh, i say george! if you start floating around in the future, aren't you likely to mess things up for the rest of us? well, there's one thing i'll say for you, george. you always could tell a good story. best adventure yarn i've heard for years. you're a truly fine inventor, george! now, we shouldn't ask such questions, walter. it's not hard for a man to lose a week now and then. 5: as the years speed by interrupted by short blurs, the dresses of the mannequin change. the skirts get shorter and shorter, then drop inch by inch while the hair styles vary. the bosom appears to swell with the sinking neckline and flattens as the neckline rises. during this: it is the source of the sound. there are little bursts of vapor from the tops of the sirens as they repeat their tones, like a fantastic pipe organ behind the sphinx. the eloi pour out of the great hall, walking in a trance-like state. smoke drifts out of its windows. the eloi hurry out, led by the man in white. they stop and stare at the sight of the morlock world being destroyed below. the face is broken in half. it is left with only a half a smile and thin smoke drifts through the remaining eye. the rest of the statue and the sirens are on the ground beside the partial ruins of the pedestal. beyond it the hill is gone and gray haze covers the once green world. the time traveller and weena come through the charred bushes onto the lawn. here they stop.