i say, this is outright rude of the man! speak up -- what is it, woman? he's making fools of us by inviting us here and then not showing up. it's not the behavior of a gentleman. well, can't you speak, man? what happened to you? aren't you going to tell us. i've always maintained what this nation needs is a reliable timepiece. the navy needs one. the army needs one. - for the artillery you know. really, filby, they must have taught you something at school! certainly! when i move in a straight line, forward or backward, that's one dimension. - when i move to the left or right, two dimensions. - when i move up and down, three dimensions. for instance, this box has three dimensions: length, breadth, and height. well, that's. that's mere theory! no one can really say what the fourth dimension is or even that it exists. no. the future is already there. it's irrevocable and cannot be changed. where did it go? do you seriously expect us to believe that? but you just said it hasn't really moved. then why can't we see it? now listen, george! i don't know what you take us for, but we're not fools. there are a number of ways of doing a disappearing trick! but a man of your ability should not bother with such nonsense. now you're being sensible. i'll take care of it first thing in the new year. well, time to go. come on, bridewell. it is ridiculous! simply preposterous! are you coming, kemp.