thank you, mrs. watchett. nothing really. - george merely says that if he is not here by eight we're to begin without him. this is peculiar. he is usually very prompt, precise and punctual. good lord! - what's happened? it will keep, george. eat, rest a little. relax, try to relax a bit. you've all the time in the world. go on, george. if you don't mind, george, would you refresh me on the first three dimensions. i thought i'd better stay. no you're not. - you've been behaving oddly for over a month now. i'm not leaving until you tell me what's on your mind. you have changed, george. enormously. why this preoccupation with time? don't go simple on me, george! i quite agree with you. but here we are and we have to make the best of it. you're not seriously saying you can do it? i saw a toy machine vanish. but i'm certain there are a number of ways of doing that trick. any magician at the hippodrome could probably do it. no, i would not! i have no desire to tempt the laws of providence and i don't think you should. it's not for man to trifle with. there is something in their common sense attitude to life. george, i speak to you as a friend. more, as a brother. if that machine can do what you say it can. destroy it. destroy it, george, before it destroys you. mary isn't well. we decided to stay home with the baby. but why don't you come home with me. you haven't seen little jaime for a long time. what's stopping you? will you promise me that you won't leave the house tonight? very well. i don't think i can. goodnight, george. look, you chaps go on. it's just a short walk home for me. george!. i think i understand. - look! but it isn't like george. - to return empty handed. to try to rebuild a civilization without a plan. he must have taken something with him. which three books?