give us a little hint. so how much you stand to lose? what's he saying? see that, boys? he's hitting dollar bills. tightening his game. uh, something us shitheels want you to know, tin cup, is uh, well, we been to see doreen, and we told her we'd stage a customer's strike if she didn't give you time off to win the open. you the man, tin cup! he didn't break the seven! 'cause he broke all his other clubs. it's a well-known fact that if a camera's not on him, he treats old people and children like dirt. them signs are at least thirty yards farther -- that ball musta gone 220. you the man, roy. we get through the next 36 holes and we in the open! but you don't got the doctor lady? can we hear it or is it personal? never thought it would happen. c'mon, tin cup, we're trying to make you a presentation -- give him some room, boys -- and eighteen's a par five. a birdie there, he shoots sixty! the legend! no, it's in odessa. our boy's in trouble. ya think he's chokin'? he done blew a gasket, boys.