how much we gotta lose? father didn't sneak back in, right? he's still at the other hospital? well. if the father married the son's daughter -- this is yer dead mortal cinch lock bet with do-reen. it's only fifteen to one on the toteboard -- except. if he breaks slow, he won't get creamed. hey, tin cup! you made the news! and if you get past the local qualifier, we gonna sponsor you. the word 'normal' and him don't collide in the same sentence too often. you definitely the man! he smoked that seven, brother -- snapped 'em in two -- even the putter. and dogs. you definitely the man. i got the yips and i ain't even teeing it up. what's on it? the good doctor herself. i think three under will qualify. you need birdie. i could shit. i wish romeo was here. i ain't cut out to do this. i'm a spectator by nature. an observer. i'm a -- you got it. looks straight to me. actually, i am blind. 20-60 in one eye -- and that's the good eye. the shanks is for us mortals, not see, dewey got you first state banking of salome, and clint got you short-haul trucking and i got you brink and brown sanitation -- we call it human resources management, roy, please. anything you want -- he's shooting the lowest round ever! god damn, we been driving for two days to help you in the last round -- they got a waffle house in odessa just about like this. vegas has him at ten to one. they're sure he's gonna self-destruct. that's a bad idea, honey -- we love him, but he's gonna fuck- up -- our boy don't choke. he fucks up but he don't choke. he's tied for the lead again! and they're running outta holes! the wheels is definitely falling off now.