romeo! it's been awhile. is tin cup around? well, you tell him i'm in town for my big charity best-ball tournament, and i got a spot for him when he comes back from. whatever. romeo! you wound me. i'm fond of the guy, going way back to our days at university of houston, when we won all those titles together. i didn't have much craft back then -- just a little native ability. roy's a great ball- striker. i want to win my own tournament, and he can help me if we can manage to behave like grownups together. tell him that. there is no catch. i put together a tournament with an elite field and a half-million dollar purse, and i'm tired of seeing all the money head out of town. i need you on my team. we're playing cottonwood where you once shot fifty-nine, where you can shoot sixty-five in your sleep 'cuz you know every bump on every fairway, every subtle break on every green -- me an' you -- like the old days. no, roy. i didn't mean i want you to play with me. i just want you to caddie for me, read my putts, club me, that kinda stuff. i can't bring a guy in off the street to play in my tournament. it's a big-time event, corporate sponsors, thirty dollar tickets. i got a network to cover -- i'll pay you a hundred for the loop, five percent of any earnings -- okay, okay, just thought i'd offer you some work. what? like i told you, it was more'n you had in the bag. i gotta hand it to you, roy. for fifteen holes you've seemed to grasp the concept here: i'm trying to win and your job is to help me. give me the seven iron. i'm laying up. the smart play's to lay up. i'm sitting on a two shot lead with three to go, and my partner's in his pocket. suddenly, par's a good number. gimme the seven iron. thirteen years in a driving range and you still think this game's about your testosterone count. but if you're gonna editorialize, do it on the other side of the ropes. i got no qualms about firing your ass right here, right now. we're trying to win a tournament, pardo. balls versus brains, roy. you hit that shot, just keep walking, 'cuz your ass is fired. take a hike, roy -- the loop's over. security! you just hit the shot that took you out of the money. welcome to life on the tour. get your hands off her ass, roy. why? jesus, roy, i'm on your side here. we go way back. i hope you get into the open, but if you don't play under control, you'll get slaughtered. good players shoot 82 in the open. you can't always go for it. i think so. it never occurred to me to try. c'mon, let's go. the car's over here. this is ridiculous. any game, i name it? i just want to teach him a lesson. molly, trust me on this one. call it part of his mental preparation for the open, where the rough is deep, the greens are slick, and the nerves are shattered. i'll take the bet. one swing each. who can hit the longest seven iron -- fine with me. molly, leave this one to me. don't need to. no, no, i'm fine. what's the problem here? hiya, roy. welcome to the big leagues. here ya go, charlie, his name's right here. they spelled your name wrong -- easy mistake with a total unknown. oh he is. he's a very big name at a driving range in salome, texas. i'm the last person who expected me to come out of the blocks with a sixty-seven and lead the open. it's been a long time since i played this game with the fire and determination you need to win. you see, this game is all about integrity and tradition and honor. so tomorrow i'll just go out there and try to make some good swings and, lord willing, maybe i can put up another good number. thank you. gotta go. can't you see i'm busy?! i'm working! this is my office! do i come to your office and ask you for an autograph?! jesus. who the fuck these people think they are. got lucky out there. hey, tin cup -- heard you put a monster number up there. i played in the pro-am with some asshole movie star shot 82 here once. how did a great ball- striker like you, a `legend,' manage to shoot an 83? it ain't like playing some muni track in brownsville, is it? oh, mol', this is just guy stuff, bar talk, part of the game -- no offense, right, cup? molly, really, this isn't. dignified. this is ridiculous. let's just get this over with. one ball, one swing, one gull. i'll make it ten to one. stick it up your ass. i'm leading the open. beats all that deep rough you were in today. i'm outta here. you're all nuts. sorry, roy, can't believe i didn't see you with all that high-priced endorsement crap you're flaunting. you mean blow up? like you always do? nice double, roy. i'll take eighteen of 'em. that's just roy being roy. just wait him out, dave. just make pars. let him make the mistakes. i gotta hand it to you, roy. when you go down, you go down in flames.