mcavoy's hit another big drive, but this is not a shot he wants to get aggressive with. his adrenalin's gotten the better of him, jim. if he lays up he takes bogey out of play. but if he knocks this ball in the water he could make seven or eight. and he still has to think about making the cut. it's the same shot he knocked in the water yesterday. and the thing for him to do right now is to tune out the gallery, rein in his emotions, and forget what he said in yesterday's interview. he has to lay up. this isn't courage, jim. this is inexperience, pure and simple. i'm not sure that's good news for mcavoy. with his inexperience, the last thing he needs is an excuse to fool with that water again today. this could be tragic. i don't believe this. he just took himself out of the tournament with that drop. he could have walked up to the hazard line, saved par with a wedge and forced a playoff with jacobsen. now he needs a miracle shot. oh, my. this is tragic. this is the most painful thing i've ever watched.