it's good. i like it. yeah. i like it. i call. i call. i'm in on this one. i call. so, what ya got? cheese throws his hand down. jacks. win. six hundred bucks? i'd get rid of the car. that much damage it won't be any good. you may have dented the frame. when you hit the frame, the car doesn't ride right. what are the benefits of aluminum siding? one: you never have to paint. cut to: lot of crazy people you're gonna run into when you're knocking on those doors. hermits that don't see the outside world, jehovah's witnesses that try and sell you the bible at the same time you're trying to sell them tin. people that are just lonely and want to have conversations. yeah, we'd better go, too. come on, stanley. me and stanley. it's like a first date. cut to: what? you got a special bargain when you bought this car? they come cheaper without windows? bb reaches into the car and picks up a handful of broken glass. he tosses it up and down in his hands. i never did that. i never did that. i was never very good in arts and crafts. i could never make the ruler come out right. the song ends. just a minute. i've got one. you know it's like the faster you can start spiking a job, the guy can't back out of the deal. shoe had some customers that he thought was fragile on coming for the buy. he'd say to the guy 'here let me show you how bad a shape your house is in,' and he'd rip off a piece of wood, maybe fifteen feet wide. the guy's house looks like shit so it makes it hard for him to back out of the deal when half the side of his house is missing. the shoe's a fucking wonder. cut to: beeb, why don't you let stanley work with you. i'm off to florida at the end of the week for some sun and fun. let stanley work with you, and when i get back, we'll see how moe's doing. no. he don't talk much; he's a good listener, so he can't really get on your nerves. he's a lousy pool player and he can't play cards for shit, but. studious type. takes a lot of notes. i think you ought to get rid of this car. it's bad luck. nora's car screeches around the corner. is that the guy again? there's some kind of sickness that runs in that family. cut to: i don't get it. the broad smashes into his car and he takes her dancing. some kind of dating ritual that i'm not familiar with. pretty good? whew! man's what legends are made of. started selling pots and pans door to door at sixteen. nothing he can't sell. danny's an example of that. danny goes into a bar, chicks lined up and down the bar. walks up to one and says, 'honey, would you like to fuck?' she'd slap him in the face. he'd move down to the next girl, say the same thing. she'd slap him. then he'd just keep moving down, going from one girl to the other. fifteen, maybe sixteen girls would tell him to get lost. to get the hell out of there. bb enters, says "hi" to the girls, moves to get a coffee. call him names. but he doesn't take it personal, you see . he keeps going, and then the next girl smiles. he says, 'why don't you buy me a drink'. he scores. every time. he goes through a lot of girls, takes a lot of slaps in the face, but he never takes it personally. bb moves over to the guys. and he always gets what he wants. looney looks up and sees bb's face. hey, beeb. what happened to you? that broad beat the shit out of you? bb smiles. i think you must enjoy these masochistic relationships. smashes your car. punches you in the face. bagel walks out of his office and across to nick, a tin man sitting at a desk across from looney. he hands nick a file. bagel, you ought to get a load of this broad beeb's messing with. yeah. bb thanks for the concern, carly bagel, but i'll be all you're kidding me. right. how do you know wilma? cut to: