now, when you made your initial sales pitch, did you indicate that you would be giving free storm windows with the job? yes. that you would provide a free set of storm windows with the sale of aluminum siding. the point being that you had no intention of giving away the storm windows. so, you weren't dangling a free set of storm windows as a come-on to selling them the aluminum siding job? because it says here, and i'm reading from a statement from mr. tabaleri. 'it was my understanding that the storm windows were included in the price of the sale.' cut to: this is good, stan. nice work. stanley nods. fossey says it should go down very well with the city council. could help us appropriate more funds. this goes a long way to establish our credibility in what we're trying to do. we hear a loud, sawing noise and hammering echoing through the warehouse throughout this scene. you know what i think you should do now. why don't you pull some files. some files that were completed, others that went unsold, and i'll have somebody run it down, talk to the customers and get some statements. to sneak a few here and there when you can. i think that might be good. cut to: didn't you approach mr. boloshevski august 18, 1961, while he was cutting his front lawn and tell him that his house had been selected, as one of only 16 homes in the state of maryland, for a free aluminum siding job? boloshevski. didn't you suggest that for a nominal labor charge, he would receive over five thousand dollars' worth of aluminum siding? mr. boloshevski was ultimately charged twenty-four hundred dollars for labor, which according to our figures is about the average cost of an aluminum siding job. twenty-four hundred dollars that you charged for labor, is the same as if mr. boloshevski had purchased the aluminum siding and had the labor done. what we're getting at here. what we're trying to stress, is that the job was sold under false terms. the man didn't win any award. he was not getting aluminum siding at a special price. a clear case of deception was involved here. what we're trying to establish are the principles that have been laid down as part of the home improvement code of ethics. that you cannot mislead someone intentionally, and i think that's the principle that applies to this. excuse us for one moment. he then leans over to delaney, and they start to confer. tilley and sam watch, wondering what's going on. masters leans in the other direction, holding his hand over the microphone, and he talks to the other commissioners. they nod in approval, then masters leans back into the microphone. thank you very much, gentlemen. should there be a reason in the future to call you back, we would like to reserve that right. are you aware that that's a violation of sections 258 and 261? was it the heat of the sales pitch on february 23rd of this year that made you write across a contract 'this job is free'? it fell out because a loan couldn't be arranged, but the people did agree in principle. the point that we'd like to stress, is that you misled these people. told them the job was free. then you sent in your closer with some cover story about how you had suffered a nervous breakdown, and a sale was ultimately made for twenty-three hundred and seventy- seven dollars. that is misleading and deceptive sales practice. we have other specific examples of deceptive sales practices on your behalf concerning a job carried out on december 11, 1962. you violated sections 241 and 247. and concerning a job sold to mr. and mrs. defranco on october 9, 1962, violations of sections 251 and 257 took place. it is the feeling of this commission that these infractions are severe violations of the home improvement laws, and therefore constitute misuse of the license to sell aluminum siding as approved by this state. it is the decision of this commission to revoke your license to sell aluminum siding. which will prohibit you from practicing in the state of maryland. thank you, mr. tilley. you may hand over your license to the clerk of the commission on your way out. will mr. william babowski please come forward. bb walks over to the defense table and sits down. you have the right to have a lawyer present if you so wish. i think with the number of violations on your record, mr. babowski, this commission has no recourse but to revoke your state license. would you please drop off your license with the clerk of the commission on your way out.