so the guy goes to the doctor for a physical. they do all those tests, all that stuff, blah, blah, blah. bb enters the scene and goes over and gets himself a cup of coffee. doctor says 'when we get all the information back, we'll give you a call.' leaves the doctor. one day the telephone rings. the guy goes and picks it up. the guy! that's right, the guy picks it up. he gets a phone call. it's the doctor on the line. doctor says 'i've got some bad news and some worse news.' bb join the tin men to listen to moe's joke. guy says 'well, let me hear the bad news first.' 'the bad news is, you've got twenty-four hours to live.' the guy says 'what's the worse news?' doctor says 'i forgot to call you yesterday.' they all laugh. looney, a thin guy who twitches and blinks a lot, stands up. we get it, you're calling. did you get the new cadillac? what? how much damage? now, let me see. we gotta be at the hickey house at four. it's about three-twenty now. we've got some time on our hands. you want to get some coffee? they got any good pool halls around here? yeah. cut to: this shows the flaws in the structure. cut to: yeah. this should be our single biggest issue of life magazine. we see the housewife coming out of her front door. oh, i hope we're not disturbing you, ma'am. we're with life magazine. we'll be out of here in just a minute. so they see your house, and another one done with aluminum siding. the other house looking so much more beautiful. it's a special issue on home improvements and ways to beautify your home. it's gonna look very good, bb. yeah. really shows the contrast of what a house can look like. i think it's fairly reasonable. well, we didn't sign any agreement with the 'after' house. we'd have to move very quickly, ma'am. you know what i mean? bb, what do you think? can we slide the deadline, or what? six or seven days? it's pushing it, bb. what time would your husband be home, 'cos he'd have to go over the figures with the salesman. that's if there's a salesman available this evening. i wouldn't mind seeing africa some time. they've got snakes? what's wrong? bb backs his car halfway up the street. he stops in the driveway of the pimlico hotel parking lot. sure you wanna get into the tin game? what's the best way to qualify a mark? how do you know if you can get the upper hand? how do you know if you're dealing with a guy who's in an inferior position to you, or superior position? how do you know? moe puts stanley on the defensive. quick way. get a book of matches out of your pocket to light your cigarette. you drop the matches on the floor. guy bends down to pick up the matches for you, you got a mark. you got this guy in your pocket. if he looks to you to pick it up, you've got a long, hard, tough sell on your hands. bb walks over to the guys, having just poured himself some coffee. let's go inside. make some calls. he's an amazing sort. he's got the gift. cut to: i should get out of here. i told my wife i'd be home early tonight. sixteen. yeah. it's hard to answer. seems better than if she wasn't there. what? police! tilley and bb immediately drop their guards and lean against a car. one cop gets out of the police car and heads into the club, the other cop stays behind in the car. no one knows quite what to do since the policeman is so nearby. what do ya make of all this? where do you think they're getting this information from? then they can take your license forever. it don't seem fair. they walk by a volkswagen "beetle" car that's parked in front of bb's cadillac. bb stops and looks at it. that? too silly-looking. bb looks at the car for a few more seconds, then goes to get into his car. no. who, nora? so, what's the todo? you mean all this time you've never lived with a girl? boy, oh boy! did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? bb, i think you're getting a little humility in your blood. what do you think if we made this one of our factory showcase houses? you know what i do, alan? i pick certain houses that are strategically located, we put up the aluminum siding, and for every referral, for every person who sees this quality job that we do. sees how beautiful it is. i give you two hundred dollars. that's right. god knows how many homes we could sell by people passing this house. it's perfectly placed for that. alan, this is how confident i feel that this house will drum up business for me. he peels off four hundred dollars and hands the money to shubner. four hundred dollars. i'm giving you commission on two house referrals before i put a panel on the side of your house. that's how confident i feel. i'm certain of it. i'm not giving away four hundred dollars for my health. i'm a businessman, and i'm a good businessman. this is good business for me. i'm giving it away 'cos i believe in this house, believe that it will refer me to other jobs which means money in my pocket, which means money in your pocket. oh, i forgot. bb, i don't have any insurance. if i die, may's got nothing. nothing. nothing for leonard. the only money i've got is in my pocket. that's all i got. did they sign? did they sign? goddamn it, bb! did you sign them? goddamn, my chest hurts. i always taught you, bb, never walk out of a place without a signed contract. somebody's word ain't spit. know what? you mean to make up my mind to marry her? you turned down a dance? hundred to one bb don't dance. a hundred to one against. there's a beat. i'm getting out of the business, bb. i've got nothing for all this. a lot of good times, but i can't live off the good times. you know, my brother-in-law has offered me a job at hess shoes. i think maybe i should do it. you get there in the morning, you come home at night. you get health benefits. i get to be assistant manager. it's over, bb. it's over. to say the least. cut to: