did he know this guy personally? you're not a bigot, is that what you're telling us? come on. you're a bigot, that's what you are. did you get his name? i can't wait to see it. it cuts down on your heating bills. cut to: thanks, boss. pleasure doing business with ya. mouse takes the check and pockets it. wing turns to tilley and sam. honey, can you get me some marlboros and a 7 and 7? they take away your license? they take away your livelihood? what kind of people are these? it's too big a spread. we hear the sound of breaking glass. tilley responds to the sound. he looks out of the glass doors and sees bb kicking in the headlight of his car. bb runs back towards his car. isn't that something? well, then, believe it. there's no sense not to believe it, because you did it. so believe it. that's twenty more. you owe me sixty. 'dayo!. da, da, da, da, day. daylight come and he wanna go home' he sings very loudly, especially on the chorus. 'dayo!. da, da, da, da, da, da, da.' 'daylight come and he wanna go home' what're you talking about? today i happened to have eggs and flapjacks, some cantalope, some juice and then another juice. but yesterday, what did i have? no. through the diner window we see nora's car pull up and park outside the diner. guess. i had very little. i didn't have that much. doesn't anybody remember? i'll give you a clue. maple syrup was used. yes, but not a lot more. we hear further rapping on the window. 'day-o! da,da,da,da,day. daylight come and he wanna go home' 'day-o! da,da,da,da,day' holy christ!