you're a sick man! sick! do ya hear me?! do ya hear me?! who do ya think i'm screaming at? how many of you are there up there? there's only you, and you're a sick human being. it's like yelling through a wall to you. i'm carrying on about what a disgusting human being you are, and all you want to know is where your white on white shirt is. you're being unreasonable. you don't even want to listen. look at you, quarter to three and home already. what happened? you and the fellas run out of things to talk about? what's a five letter word for a portuguese overseas province? m-a-c-a-o. that fits. we're off tomorrow. beat. what are you talking about. this match box? you're not selling anything? it happens. well, you will. you always do. what are you talking about? the monthly payments on your cadillac are more than this whole house. why don't you get yourself something cheaper, like a chevy? i'll turn out the lights. nora gets up and puts the cups in the sink -- gives a big sigh. cut to: you know, tilley, we hardly ever do things together. do things together that are enjoyable. if we went on a picnic. it would be fun. yes. it's nice to do that. i think there's something nice about a picnic. it's fun. i just thought it might be nice to do something together, that's all. thought it might be fun. it's not the same thing. i don't think they're too good for you, not a lot of 'em anyway. she continues to choose her frozen foods. bb continues talking to her. oh, i'm sorry to hear that. you know what would be a lot more healthy and satisfying is to get yourself a chicken. just pop it in the oven for a couple of hours with a little bit of seasoning on it. makes a good meal, and you can make sandwiches with the leftovers. i love ya, ada, and if you're smart you won't come back. the cake is being passed out, and people are talking -- it has become somewhat of a party atmosphere. nora turns to her friend, nellie. i've just decided. i'm going out with him. i have to. i just want to know what it's like to be with someone else. she sips her coke. because if what i've got with tilley is as good as it gets, i just. . i gotta know. tilley doesn't get home until at least two in the morning. everything i've done in my life has been safe and practical, and where's that gotten me? well, here's to who knows what. they touch their cups. cut to: i'm still nervous. no, not right now. i'd go with you and lean against the door. they dance for a bit and look at one another. he leans toward her, holds her tight and kisses her. then the record sticks on the words "that's the time". "that's the time". "that's the time". bb slips off one of his loafers, while still embracing nora, kicks it so that it hits the side of the record table. the record slips a little and continues to play correctly. you've got a pretty good aim. oh, my god! she just stands there and tears run down her face. he must have gone crazy. i don't know what happened to him. he must have found out i was with you. i don't know. i don't know what to do. she starts to cry. she goes to hug bb. can i stay with you for a day or two? bb puts his arms around nora. yes. bill! bb turns towards nora. nora waves to him, happily, with a twinkle in her eye. bb feels conspicuous -- people are looking at him. he gives a little wave. i'm glad you stopped by. this is a real surprise. oh. how can i help? really. how so? like what? things? annoyances? well, try. then why didn't you just nudge me a bit and tell me to go and sleep on the other side? well, that's easily changed. listen, if you think all of this is going too fast, maybe i should move out. is that what you want, bill? bb looks around, very uncomfortable, and he shrugs. i really care for you, but if you think it's best. i don't want to make you unhappy. after a long beat. i can't get away from work. why? do you think you have some obligation? well, i'm glad you did. well, i hope he's okay. i'll see you when you get in. she gives bb a kiss on the phone. you don't have to tell me. how many nights did you drop me off and come up here all the time? well you know, i think we really should get divorced. yeah, i'll have some. yes, it went wrong somewhere along the line -- i don't know where though. yeah, i like him. i'm glad you feel that way. what? this was that guy? he didn't tell me he was a tin man. he told me he sold baby pictures. oh, god! not another tin man. cut to: you're a goddamn tin man! then she backs the car up. bb tries to go around the front of the car. you wanted to win me just to get even with my husband. screw you! she rolls up the window, floors the car, and drives away. mrs. tilley. i don't want to see you anymore. she pulls away from bb and continues walking. bb walks behind her, getting soaked in the rain. i don't want to listen. i don't owe you anything. bb lets her walk away. after a beat, he yells out. what kind of a person would come up with such a devious thing? i'd like to know what it is about me that i have to fall for tin men. what kind of character flaw do i have? the wet becomes you. gets rid of some of the slickness. i was hoping for something a little more romantic. but, okay. a slight smile comes to bb's face. cut to: i dunno. all my things are back at nellie's -- the other side of town. i know what i could do, i'll go back to the house. there's still a few things i left behind . at least i can get a change of clothes. they both sit down. bb looks at nora. you really happy? you don't really show a great deal of exuberance. what happened? they're taking the furniture? what do you expect? you expect to get some preferential treatment . you're some special case? you've got to pay your taxes just like everybody else has to pay their taxes! tilley shrugs. how many arguments did we used to have about filing your taxes? there's a responsibility that you've got to have. it's a long way from high school, tilley. where are you gonna sleep? there's just a couple of things you didn't throw out of the house . a couple of things i didn't find in the drawer. listen, about the divorce. do you want to file, or should i file? he told me all about it. all about how you threw eggs at him. he was trying to find me. we had an argument. it's not for you to make decisions for me. i know what i'm doing. i appreciate your concern, but it's not for you. you're a good one to give advice. you're sitting on the steps, locked out of your house because you can't pay your taxes, and you're going to give me advice on life? my benefit! you don't give a damn about me! you don't give a damn who i marry. the reason you don't want me to marry is because he's the one taking your wife, and you've got your own problems with him. you don't care about me. it's the same bullshit you're doing. that's what it always is with you, tilley. it's always you! the i.r.s. took your house. your furniture! you don't say anything about my things in the house. i've got things in the house i worked damn hard for, and things that belonged to my family. the headboard that was given to me by aunt josephine, it's got to be at least a hundred years old. and the hand-embroidered footstool. the hand-embroidered footstool over by the tv. it's been there forever. it was my granny's. you've never seen it!? you've never seen it!? you put your feet on it to watch tv. the hand-embroidered footstool. that's the way you are, tilley, it doesn't mean anything to you. you don't care if they take it all away. it's all you, tilley! that's the way it's always been. maybe if i talked to him another day he'll change his mind. i mean, he's like that. one day, he's this way and another day he's that way. i mean, he's probably, you know, upset about the i.r.s. taking the house and all our stuff. after a beat. what? what does that mean? what does that have to do with anything? what? what's so interesting about a car? yeah? bill! better hurry up, everything's ready. i can't believe that you're up so early. this is a rare occasion. toast will be ready in a second. coffee's on the table. he continues to stand watching her -- she's not aware that he's watching her. she waits for the toast to pop up out of the toaster. how so? what?! you played pool for me? it's the most despicable thing i've ever heard in my life. i mean, it's disgusting. guys shooting pool to determine my future. get the toast yourself. bb takes the toast out of the toaster. why don't you take both. maybe you can choke to death on one of them. bb takes one of the plates and goes toward the table. nora watches him a beat, amazed that he doesn't seem to recognize the seriousness of the situation. how can you be so. how can you not understand how wrong that is? i can't understand that mentality! shoot pool for me! it's insane. bb dips his toast into his eggs. i can't believe you had to shoot pool! don't you understand that . don't you understand how crazy that is? you're sitting there. you're eating your eggs as if it's normal business in life here! like feudal lords or something you used to read about in history books. what happened? you lost? you lost? what does that mean? will you stop eating the eggs for a minute! how can you tell me things like this and casually eat your eggs?! what does this mean, bill? why are you running off so fast here?