forty-six hundred dollars. this looks like a sound deal. they own their own house. we won't have any problem getting the financing for them. real good, mouse. he picks up his check book ledger and writes out a check. so, that's one thousand, one hundred and thirty-eight dollars. finishes writing check and hands it to mouse. now, what's your guys' story? tilley, i'm already carrying you for, what is it -- twenty-three hundred? something like that? don't try to go walking on me. i'll give you hundred and fifty. what's wrong with your wife? she doesn't work? all right, i'll give you two hundred. wing changes amount of check and hands it to tilley. now listen, guys, we got a problem here. my sources tell me this home improvement commission is for real. it's no jackpot. these guys are going to be a real pain in the ass, so any of the scams that you guys are pulling, they get wind of it, they take your license and it's goodbye to this business. any irregularities, you know, selling a house on the pretense that it's a model house and every job sold in the area they get a kickback. the life magazine hustle. you guys know all the bullshit numbers we can run. you lost a sale, tilley. the hudsons' loan didn't go through. this mr. hudson's some guy. he's got three outstanding shoplifting charges, failure to pay child support from a previous marriage . guy's overdue on his mortgage, overdue on his car loan, and he was fired from his last job for misappropriation of funds. they don't make our job easy, tilley. did you see the paper? take a look at this. he hands the newspaper to tilley. just cool down the scams, okay, tilley? tilley shrugs his shoulders. cut to: i've got myself a winner. tilley turns to look at wing. sam turns towards tilley looking concerned. we see the totals flashed on the board indicating that the winning horse pays $16.30. cut to: very nice! yeah. southern belle. you oughta know, you bet her for me. i'm gonna go with the favorite in this one -- fordnee lane. i tell you what, i won sixteen plus on the other race, from those winnings you can bet me eight hundred. yeah. i wanna bet eight hundred on fordnee lane. waiter, can you get me a cup of coffee? tilley looks over to sam, with panic on his face. wing turns back to tilley and sam. you guys want anything else? what is it? no, you got it wrong. you take it from the sixteen plus i won. the eight hundred. what do ya mean, you don't have my winnings? what? sam, what is he talking about? wait a minute. you're telling me that i didn't win the last race? what the fuck is he talking about? you just pocketed the god damned money. you just took my money and slipped it into your god damned pocket, didn't you? you get this straight, you son of a bitch, you owe me sixteen plus. i want sixteen plus. what the hell is wrong with him? what the hell is wrong with him? he's stealing money from me. what the hell is wrong with him? can you tell me? you work with him, sam. for christ sake. wing is totally frustrated. tilley, what the hell happened to you? cut to: let's hope you have some better luck with mouse. cut to: masters? yeah. he wants information. i got a real problem, tilley. come inside, i'll buy you a drink. cut to: i'm up front with you about this. i'm up front with ya, tilley. i've got my balls in a vice. what am i gonna do? tilley, it's got nothing to do with the money. masters was gonna take this company apart. you're the low man on the totem pole, tilley. there's a lot of guys earning a good living. no sense for it all to go up in smoke. you understand, don't you, tilley? it's just business. listen, tilley, you owe me sixteen plus from the race, and you're in for over two grand on the books, so i tell you what. i'll wipe the slate clean. he takes out his wallet from his pocket, and peels off a few notes. here's a thou until you get yourself set up. i can do no better than that. the bottom line is, i'm running a business, tilley. here's another deuce. i carried you a long time, tilley. i've done a damn sight more than a lot of other guys would have done for you. and i don't see no gratitude from you. he gets up to leave. you can finish up whenever you like. i'm sorry, tilley. that's the way of the world. he pats tilley on the back and walks away. cut to: