come left a little. she's right in front of us, eighteen meters. fifteen. thirteen. you should see it. you are so full of shit, boss. walkin' the dog. i'm in the sitting room. heading for bedroom b-54. i'm tryin' boss. i'm crossing the bedroom. ooohh daddy-oh, are you seein' what i'm seein'? who's the best? say it. you know, boss, this happened to geraldo and his career never recovered. she's a goddamned liar! a nutcase. like that. what's her name? that anastasia babe. she says she's rose dewitt bukater, right? rose dewitt bukater died on the titanic. at the age of 17. if she'd've lived, she'd be over a hundred now. okay, so she's a very old goddamned liar. i traced her as far back as the 20's. she was working as an actress in l.a. an actress. her name was rose dawson. then she married a guy named calvert, moved to cedar rapids, had two kids. now calvert's dead, and from what i've heard cedar rapids is dead. s'cuse me, i have to go check our supply of depends. live from 12,000 feet. the bow's struck in the bottom like an axe, from the impact. here. i can run a simulation we worked up on this monitor over here. we've put together the world's largest database on the titanic. okay, here. she hits the berg on the starboard side and it sort of bumps along. punching holes like a morse code. dit dit dit, down the side. now she's flooding in the the bow pulls out of its dive and planes away, almost a half a mile, before it hits the bottom going maybe 12 miles an hour. kaboom! the stern implodes as it sinks, from the pressure, and rips apart from the force of the current as it falls, landing like a big pile of junk. so let me get this right. you were gonna kill yourself by jumping off the titanic? don't you love it? there's smith, he's standing there with the iceberg warning in his fucking hand. what, uh. happened next? we never found anything on jack. there's no record of him at all. holy shit. aww!! that really sucks, lady!