you can be blase about some things, rose, but not about titanic. it's over a hundred feet longer than mauretania, and far more luxurious. it has squash courts, a parisian cafe. even turkish baths. your daughter is much too hard to impress, ruth. it is unsinkable. god himself couldn't sink this ship. i put my faith in you, good sir. we'd better hurry. this way, ladies. steady!! steerage swine. apparently missed his annual bath. all part of my charm, ruth. at any rate, it was my darling fiancee's beauty rituals which made us late. i couldn't let you wear black on sailing day, sweetpea. it's bad luck. here i've pulled every string i could to book us on the grandest ship in history, in her most luxurious suites. and you act as if you're going to your execution. those mud puddles were certainly a waste of money. put that in the wardrobe. the first and only. forever. she knows. what made you think you could put your hands on my fiancee?! look at me, you filth! what did you think you were doing?! an accident?! you wanted to see the propellers? oh, right. mr. lovejoy. a twenty should do it. rose is displeased. mmm. what to do? i know. good. settled then. this should be amusing. i intended to save this till the engagement gals next week. but i thought tonight, perhaps a reminder of my feeling for you. daimond. yes it is. 56 carats. it was once worn by louis the sixteenth. they call it le coeur de la mer, the-- it's for royalty. and we are royalty. there's nothing i couldn't give you. there's nothing i'd deny you if you would deny me. open your heart to me, rose. thank you. mr. dawson is joining us from third class. he was of some assistance to my fiancee last night. a real man makes his own luck, archie. probably best. it'll be all business and politics, that sort of thing. wouldn't interest you. good of you to come. i had hoped you would come to me last night. yes. your exertions below decks were no doubt exausting. you will never behave like that again! do you understand? yes! you are! and my wife. in practice, if not yet by law. so you will honor me, as a wife is required to honor her husband! i will not be made out a fool! is this in any way unclear? reminds me of my harvard days. i have a better idea. yes there is, i have been robbed. now get the master at arms. now you moron! that's right. two things dear to me have disappeared this evening. now that one is back. that's it. of course he could. easy enough for a professional. he memorized the combination when you opend the safe. it is a little slut, isn't it? look at me, you little-- get out. we're busy. this is ridiculous. it's just the god damned english doing everything by the book. my god. stay here, ruth. not the better half. where are you going? to him? is that it? to be a whore to that gutter rat? we're running out of time. and this strutting martinet. then that's our play. but we're still going to need some insurance. ben, what's the occasion? that's admirable, ben. we're too late. it's starting to fall apart. we don't have much time. mr. murdoch, i'm a businessman, as you know, and i have a business proposition for you. so we have an understanding then? god damn it to hell! come on. yes. get in the boat, rose. my god, look at you. get in. hurry up, it's almost full. i always win, jack. one way or another. i put the diamond in my coat pocket. and i put my coat. on her. i give it to you. if you can get it. we had a deal, damn you. there, there. get back! you'll swamp us! stay back! keep off! rose. your mother and i have been looking for you-- you're precious to me, rose.