the moment of truth boys. somebody's life's about to change. let's see. fabrizio's got niente. olaf, you've got squat. sven, uh oh. two pair. mmm. sorry, you're not gonna see your mama again for a long time. goin' home. to the land o' the free and the home of the real hot-dogs! on the titanic!! we're ridin' in high style now! we're practically goddamned royalty, ragazzo mio!! shit!! come on, fabri! wait!! we're passengers! we are the luckiest sons of bitches in the world! of course not. that's not the point. that's so we know where we rank in the scheme of things. don't do it. take my hand. i'll pull you back in. no you won't. you would have done it already. now come on, take my hand. i can't. i'm involved now. if you let go i have to jump in after you. i'm a good swimmer. it would hurt. i'm not saying it wouldn't. to be honest i'm a lot more concerned about the water being so cold. ever been to wisconsin? well they have some of the coldest winters around, and i grew up there, near chippewa falls. once when i was a kid me and my father were ice-fishing out on lake wissota. ice-fishing's where you chop a hole in the-- sorry. just. you look like kind of an indoor girl. anyway, i went through some thin ice and i'm tellin' ya, water that cold. like that right down there. it hits you like a thousand knives all over your body. you can't breath, you can't think. least not about anything but the pain. that's what everybody says. but with all due respect, i'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship. come on. you don't want to do this. give me your hand. i'm jack dawson. i've got you. i won't let go. uh huh. that was pretty much it. hello again. uh, yes. of course. after you. so, you got a name by the way? that's quite a moniker. i may hafta get you to write that down. jack. well, here you are. you're welcome. rose. that's not what i was thinking. what i was thinking was. what could have happened to hurt this girl so much she though she had no way out. uh huh. they'll be sorry. 'course you'll be dead. that penguin last night, is he one of them? is he your boyfriend? gawd look at that thing! you would have gone straight to the bottom. so you feel like you're stuck on a train you can't get off 'cause you're marryin' this fella. so don't marry him. it is that simple. well, i guess i will tonight. just some sketches. well, they didn't think too much of 'em in paree. well, they didn't think too much of 'em in paree. i just seem to spew 'em out. besides, they're not worth a damn anyway. yup. that's one of the great things about paris. lots of girls willing take their clothes off. she had beautiful hands. i see you. you wouldn'ta jumped. i'm sorry. really. i am. well, then logging got to be too much like work, so i went down to los angelas to the pier in santa monica. that's a swell place, they even have a rollercoaster. i sketched portraits there for ten cents a piece. alright, we're going. we'll drink cheap beer and go on the rollercoaster until we throw up and we'll ride horses on the beach. right in the surf. but you have to ride like a cowboy, none of that side-saddle stuff. sure. if you like. they didn't teach you that in finishing school? here, it's easy. watch closely. your turn. nope, that was pitiful. here, like this. you hawk it down. hhhnnnk!. then roll it on your tongue, up to the front, like thith, then a big breath and plooow!! you see the range on that thing? that was great! not really. i saw that in a nickelodean once, and i always wanted to do it. yeah, you just dress like a pallbearer and keep your nose up. no, the chippewa falls dawsons, actually. the best i've seen, m'am. hardly any rats. well, right now my address is the rms titanic. after that, i'm on god's good humor. well. it's a big world, and i want to see it all before i go. my father was always talkin' about goin' to see the ocean. he died in the town he was born in, and never did see it. you can't wait around, because you never know what hand you're going to get dealt next. see, my folks died in a fire when i was fifteen, and i've been on the road since. somethin' like that teaches you to take life as it comes at you. to make each day count. i work my way from place to place. tramp steamers and such. i won my ticket on titanic here in a lucky hand at poker. no thanks. i'm heading back. time for my coach to turn back into a pumpkin. want to go to a real party? you're still my best girl, cora. just move with me. don't think. how you two doin'? boys, boys! did i ever tell you the one about the swede and the irishman goin' to the whorehouse? you're not one of them. there's been a mistake. uh huh. you got mailed to the wrong address. that was a long one. my father used to say that whenever you saw one, it was a soul going to heaven. what would you wish for? rose!! i was just here last night. don't you remember? i don't want money, i-- i just need to talk to rose for a-- it was them, not her. rose, you're no picnic. you're a spoiled little brat even, but under that you're a strong, pure heart, and you're the most amazingly astounding girl i've ever known and-- no wait. let me try to get this out. you're amazing. and i know i have nothing to offer you, rose. i know that. but i'm involved now. you jump, i jump, remember? i can't turn away without knowin' that you're goin' to be alright. i don't think so. they've got you in a glass jar like some butterfly, and you're goin' to die if you don't break out. maybe not right away, 'cause you're strong. but sooner or later the fire in you is goin' to go out. you're right. only you can do that. sssshh. come here. close your eyes. okay. open them. isn't he great. the use of color? i saw him once. through a hole in this garden fence in giverny. should i be expecting him anytime soon? what is it? a sapphire? uh. just bend your left leg a little and. and lower your head. eyes to me. that's it. pretty tough for a valet, this fella. kinda like we're doin' right now-- uh oh! after you, m'lady. where to, miss? are you nervous? it's okay. i'm alright. i can feel your heart beating. this is crazy. looks okay. i don't see anything. it didn't seem like much of a bump. i'm sure we're okay. now it's worse. right. this is horseshit. don't you believe it, rose. don't! they put it in my pocket! i was going to return it! rose-- rose, don't listen to them. i didn't do this! you know i didn't! you know it! shit. help!! somebody!! can anybody hear me?! rose!! in here! that guy lovejoy put it in my pocket. see if you can find a key for these. try those drawers. it's a little brass one. so. how did you find out i didn't do it? you have to go for help. i'll wait here. we'll find out. try a couple practice swings. now try to hit the same mark again. okay, that's enough practice. nice work, there, paul bunyan. shit! excuse my french. ow ow ow, that is cold! come on, let's go. too deep. we gotta find another way out. fabrizio! fabri! we gotta get up there or we're gonna be gargling saltwater. where's tommy? well, whatever we're goin' to do, we better do it fast. god damn it to hell son of a bitch!! you better check out the other side. get in the boat, rose. go on. i'll get the next one. almost as good as you. no rose! noooo!! rose, rose, you're so stupid, you're such an idiot-- right. compliments of the chippewa falls dawsons. let's go. come on. back! go back!! wait! wait! help us! unlock the gate. come on! come on! okay. we keep moving aft. we have to stay on the ship as long as possible. you wanna walk a little faster through that valley, fella? come on, rose. we can't expect god to do all the work for us. we have to move! come on! i've got you! swim, rose! swim! keep swimming. keep moving. come one, you can do it. look for something floating. some debris. wood. anything. i know. i know. help me, here. look around. it's just enough for this lady. you'll push it under. you'll die quicker if you come any closer. the boats will come back for us, rose. hold on just a little longer. they had to row away for the suction and now they'll be coming back. just a few more minutes. it'll take them a while to get the boats organized. i don't know about you, but i intend to write a strongly worded letter to the white star line about all this. no. don't say your good-byes, rose. don't you give up. don't do it. you're going to get out of this. you're going to go on and you're going to make babies and watch them grow and you're going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. not here. not this night. do you understand me? rose, listen to me. listen. winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. it brought me to you. and i'm thankful, rose. i'm thankful. you must do me this honor. promise me you will survive. that you will never give up. no matter what happens. no matter how hopeless. promise me now, and never let go of that promise. never let go.