turn that up please, dear. i'll be god damned. i was just wondering if you had found the "heart of the ocean" yet, mr. lovett. oh yes. the woman in the picture is me. yes. very nice. have you met my granddaughter, lizzy? she takes care of me. oh, yes. there, that's nice. i have to have my pictures when i travel. and freddy of course. i should like to see my drawing. it was a dreadful, heavy thing. it is me, dear. wasn't i a hot number? someone named hockley, i should imagine. i don't want your money, mr. lovett. i know how hard it is for people who care greatly for money to give some away. this was mine. how extraordinary! it looks the same as the last time i saw it. the reflection has changed a bit. my mother's brooch. she wanted to go back for it. caused quite a fuss. no, no. it's fine. i'm curious. thank you for that fine forensic analysis, mr. bodine. of course the experience of it was somewhat less clinical. no! it's been 84 years. titanic was called the ship of dreams. and it was. it really was. i don't see what all the fuss is about. it doesn't look any bigger than the mauretania. you told me to change. i felt like black. do you know of dr. freud? his ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you, mr. ismay. excuse me. stay back! don't come any closer! no! stay where you are. i mean it. i'll let go. what do you mean no i won't? don't presume to tell me what i will and will not do. you don't know me. you're distracting me. go away. don't be absurd. you'll be killed. the fall alone would kill you. how cold? i know what ice fishing is! you're crazy. alright. help! help!! cal, stop! it was an accident. it was. stupid really. i was leaning over and i slipped. i was leaning way over, to see the. ah. propellers. and i slipped and i would have gone overboard. and mr. dawson here saved me and he almost went over himself. is that the going rate for saving the woman you love? my god. cal. is it a-- the heart of the ocean. cal, it's. it's overwhelming. i can still feel its weight. if you could have felt it, not just seen it. im afraid i'm feeling a little tired, mr. lovett. the next day, saturday, i remember thinking how the sunlight felt. hello jack. could i speak to you in private? rose. rose dewitt bukater. mr. dawson, i-- jack. i feel like such an idiot. it took me all morning to get up the nerve to face you. here i am. i. i want to thank you for what you did. not just for. for pulling me back. but for your discretion. look, i know what you must be thinking! poor little rich girl. what does she know about misery? i don't. it wasn't just one thing. it was everything. it was them, it was their whole world. and i was trapped in it, like an insect in amber. penguin? oh, cal! he is them. worse i'm afraid. yes, exactly! if only it were that simple. oh, jack. please don't judge me until you've seen my world. what's this? may i? jack, these are quite good! really, they are. oh no! oh, i'm so sorry. truly! well, well. you liked this woman. you used her several times. and? well, alright. there's something in me, jack. i feel it. i don't know what it is, whether i should be an artist, or, i don't know. a dancer. like isadora duncan. a wild pagan spirit. or a moving picture actress! so then what, mr. wandering jack? a whole ten cents?! you mean one leg on each side? scandalous! can you show me? mother, may i introduce jack dawson. shall we go dress, mother? cal, surely you remember mr. dawson. there's the countess rothes. and that's john jacob astor. the richest man on the ship. his little wifey there, madeleine, is my age and in a delicate condition. see how she's trying to hide it. quite the scandal. and that's benjamin guggenheim and his mistress, madame aubert. mrs. guggenheim is at home with the children, of course. j.j., madeleine, i'd like you to meet jack dawson. to making it count. mr. andrews, what are you doing? i see you everywhere writing in this little book. your ship is a wonder, mr. andrews. truly. jack, must you go? may i cut in, miss? i don't know the steps. wait. stop! you think a first class girl can't drink? so, you think you're big tough men? let's see you do this. oooowww! i haven't done that in years. isn't it magnificent? so grand and endless. they're such small people, jack. my crowd. they think they're giants on the earth, but they're not even dust in god's eye. they live inside this little tiny champagne bubble. and someday the bubble's going to burst. a mistake? i like that. aren't we supposed to wish on it? something i can't have. i was tired. i'm not some foreman in your mills than you can command! i am your fiancee-- we. had a little accident. i'm sorry, trudy. oh, stop it, mother. you'll give yourself a nosebleed. of course i know it's gone. you remind me every day! it's so unfair. mr. andrews, i did the sum in my head, and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned. forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard. jack, this is impossible. i can't see you. jack, i-- you're making this very hard. i'll be fine. really. it's not up to you to save me, jack. i have to get back, they'll miss me. please, jack, for both our sakes, leave me alone. oh, look what i've done. hello, jack. i changed my mind. fabrizio said you might be up-- i'm flying! that was the last time titanic ever saw daylight. will this light do? don't artists need good light? cal insist on luggin this thing everywhere. not as long as the cigars and brandy hold out. a diamond. a very rare diamond, called the heart of the ocean. i want you to draw me like your french girl. wearing this. the last thing i need is another picture of me looking like a china doll. as a paying customer, i expect to get what i want. tell me when it looks right to you. i believe you are blushing, mr. big artiste. i can't imagine monsieur monet blushing. date it, jack. i want to always remember this night. come on! take us down. quickly, quickly! he's an ex-pinkerton. cal's father hired him to keep cal out of trouble. to make sure he always got back to the hotel with his wallet and watch, after some crawl through the less reputable parts of town. to the stars. au contraire, mon cher. put your hands on me jack. you're trembling. when this ship docks, i'm getting off with you. i know. it doesn't make any sense. that's why i trust it. could it have damaged the ship? we have to tell mother and cal. come with me, jack. i jump, you jump. right? something serious has happened. cal, you can't be serious! we're in the middle of an emergency and you-- but i was with him the whole time. i saw the iceberg, mr. andrews. and i see it in your eyes. please tell me the truth. you're certain? yes, i understand. thankyou. oh, mother shut up! you unimaginable bastard. goodbye, mother. i'd rather be his whore than your wife. that man tried to take advantage of me in the crowd! mr. andrews, thank god! where would the master at arms take someone under arrest?! no! i'll do this with or without your help, sir. but without will take longer. bottom, left, right. i have it. i'm through with being polite, goddamnit!! i may never be polite the rest of my life! now take me down!! left, crew passage. right, right. right. jack? jaaacckk?? jack, jack, jack. i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. i know, i know. i didn't. there's no key in here. hello? somebody?! help me! we need help! wait. wait! i need your help! there's-- no, let me go! you're going the wrong way! see you there, buster! will this work? move aside! quickly, move aside! if you have any intention of keeping your pathetic job with the white star line, i suggest you escort these good people to the boat deck. now. the boats are gone! colonel! are there any boats left? i'm not going without you. no. not without you! you jump, i jump, right? we can't leave him. no! not that way! come back! help us! please! won't you even make a try for it, mr. andrews? i trust you. it's so cold. what's that? thank god for you jack. it's getting quiet. i love you jack. i'm so cold. i can't feel my body. i promise. i promise. i will never let go, jack. i'll never let go. "come josephine in my flying machine" oh, jack. i won't let go. i promise. yes, i lived. how awkward for you. please don't. don't talk. just listen. we will make a deal, since that is something you understand. from this moment you do not exist for me, nor i for you. you shall not see me again. and you will not attempt to find me. in return i will keep my silence. your actions last night need never come to light, and you will get to keep the honor you have carefully purchased. is this in any way unclear? tell her that her daughter died with the titanic. jewels are precious. goodbye, mr. hockley. dawson. rose dawson. don't come any closer. the hardest part about being so poor, was being so rich. but every time i though of selling it, i though of cal. and somehow i always got by without his help. i have. i came all the way here so this could go back where it belongs. you look for treasures in the wrong place, mr. lovett. only life is priceless, and making each day count.