careful! that isn't some box full of fish! cam lowers - as april o'neil leaps down into frame. dressed in jungle expedition gear with her head wrapped in a bandana. she takes off her sunglasses and admires the crate. on box - labelled "o'neil cargo". something ominous about the crate. push in on it as april steps in front. admires it with pride. turns, takes out a cell phone, and hits speed dial. on phone display - "calling home". it rings. where are you? hey. it's me. i'm back. casey rubs his face, tries to orient himself. looks at watch. yes. it was today that i returned to you after being in a deadly jungle for almost a month. forget it. i'll take a cab. a long pause on the phone. casey knows he's busted. howie! get this on the truck for delivery! let's go! p.o.v. inside box - see april through the wood slats. we'd swear we almost hear. low growling. not today, nate. mister jones has to pretend to be an adult for a few hours. hello max. you know, the typical - corrupt government officials, double crossed by a jungle guide, all ending in a heart-pounding chase. winters and april chuckle. cam adjusts to show casey between them in the bg, looking uncomfortable and out of place. but it was all worth it. beat - excited) i found it. the fourth general. winters beams, way too excited as well. april holds out her hand to casey, who doesn't know what she wants. he awkwardly high fives her. the crow-bar. can i ask you a question? i've been so grateful for the opportunities you've given me lately. i'd probably be still selling antique curios if you hadn't visited my shop that day. but i have to ask. why the fascination with these particular works of art? i'd never even heard of the legend of yaotl until we met. he looks up. the cam pans right. it travels past an suit of armor in the fg. goes to black. continue pan until we're in- quite the story, max. concerned re: statue) you don't think that this could be- that is so perfectly casey jones. i give you opportunity. i give you the chance to become a better man. and what do you do with it? casey, you better be careful- give me strength. you sure you don't want to spar a bit? suit yourself. case? yeah. they sit on that for a moment. casey leans in for a kiss. april doesn't notice. awkward. casey changes his mind. be safe. casey, i think we need to talk. i don't want- whoa. off her look - casey is standing there, bracing the near- unconscious raph, now without his nightwatcher garb. it can't be. azteks and mayans. sit down, jones. so there was this guy call yaotl. cam pans to the right - as it passes a fg element, the screen dips to black. we hear sounds of a violent battle. monsters shrieking. blades clashing. april's retelling winters' story. no one knows. the legend stops there. guys! it's a legend! okay. fine. i'll help for now. until we prove you're all insane. i cleaned out my archives on ancient south america. might have found something useful. she takes out a hand-drawn map. a map of the stars, as recorded by an aztec shaman. they pinpoint the location of the stars of kikin. even though the names changed. -along with taking into account the point of origin of the first occurrence, we should know where another portal could take place. max, what are you up to? precisely at 40.748 degrees latitude and -073.985 degrees longitude. on others - huh?! mikey air - calculates math in bg. winters tower. picked it up on my last trip to japan. you. like it? where's your mask? i was saving it for our anniversary. that's our ride. i feel responsible, fellas. i found the generals for him. i had the situation under control. guys! front door is open. now! they all charge the front door! nice work, jones. we know everything max. we know you're trying to recreate what yaotl started 3000 years ago. n winters - he looks up. sees april. exhausted, as we- what does that mean? fast! go fast now!!! casey guns it, the 12-foot creature mere inches away! stars in sky - karai sees the stars are slowly moving out of alignment. losing time fast. back in lobby - crane down on winters and splinter. on the last full cell. on portal - a pair of large eyes are threatening to come out. in the bg, dozens of winged demons fly around inside. what are you doing in here?! don't try to tell me for one second that you didn't enjoy tha- casey just grabs her, cutting her off and they kiss. like they should have been kissing all along. they stop. noses close. smile. they pull apart, revealing mikey standing there. watching them all gooey-eyed. yes. she wraps her arms around his waist and holds tight for the adventures that await. cam follows for a beat, then rises up the buildings to-