was that today, babe? april's disappointed. same old casey. i'm sorry, babe. i must've- i missed you? april doesn't answer. she closes the phone. casey slumps in his chair, shaking his head. good goin', case. back at the dock, april is back to business. nah, you know i work for a livin'. it's star center or nothin' else. busted! have fun with your mommy. . oh no. off his look - we see april, dressed stunning in a dark business suit at the other side of the street. she's dangling a white shirt and a tie from her other hand. later boys! do you need my funtahstick muscles? actually, it's ca- yeah-ha! the fourth general. oh. he hands it to april as she twirls up a crow-bar and cracks open the front panel. inside box pov - the light gradually breaks in, until - creak - the front panel falls to the floor. close on - winters' look. pure wonder and admiration. he walks up to it slowly. april and casey cautiously stay back. what!? it was a boring story! well, maybe if you were home for more than four days at a time, you'd see that i don't want any of here i am nice enough to help you out, dress in this get-up and all i get is grief?! . as he knocks and smashes the vase to the floor. oh boy. klaxons sound as shink-shink-shink - metal plates slam down nah. ever since you started with the blade weapons you, um. you kinda scare me. yeah? yeah. sure. you? april thinks just as much. i'm going outside for some air. hey champ. you think you're being a little rough on the guy? ight slowly turns around. menacing. casey's taken aback. are you that nightwatcher fella? a little smaller than i expected. i'm talkin' to you, pal. you think you own these rooftops? well, lemme teach you a thing'r two. class is pain 101. meet your instructor. casey jones. it's getting serious. casey's bat is suddenly wrapped by night's chain, and pulled down. raph's visor flips up. raph?! is that you?! what-what are you doing?! why would you- -oh. so that would mean. stick with nightwatcher, ninja boy. they're good. i guess. i dunno, seems like all i do lately is just make her upset. she used to laugh so much. now it's mostly just working all day, and coming home to point out how i'm a screw up. she doesn't like me doing this. and i know she's pretending to not know i'm out tonight. but she knows. and she knows i know she knows. life just kinda got complicated suddenly. y'know? raph? nice to see ya, man. raph acknowledges. the moment is broken by a horrible shriek! what the shell. on raph - he stops, mid-replacement of his helmet. i think we lost it. what's goin' on, raph?! no. no, you kinda failed to tell me the freakin' foot?! what about the walking statues? were you going to mention those?! on second thought. the generals put the creature in a cell. wheel it to a transporter vehicle as it drives away. they're just about to leave when- not good. raph takes out ninja smoke pellets and throws them on the roof - fwoom! when the smoke clears, casey is standing there alone! raph is 10 feet away as casey flinches and takes off too. hey - you're the ninja, not me! boom! - gato lands up on the roof and quickly gives chase! they can't lose him, even when they drop to street level. what were those things, raph?! raph ignores him, looking for a street sign. then he sees it - 56th street. what are we gonna do, raph? what um, raph? raph sees the blade! they manage to switch positions in mid- ride, with casey driving and raph in back. raph throws kicks and punches at their pursuer when he closes in. the chase takes them to a parking garage as they circle upwards, gato jumping from car to car, still on their tails! rooftop - they're trapped. he doesn't have a hope. aside from jumping the bike to the next roof! suck on that, rock face! oh crap. casey guns it - but the bike doesn't work anymore - as gato is in mid-air, taking off. casey grabs the weakening raph and drags him off. gotta get you someplace safe, pal. and then, then i need to go buy some new undies. could use a little. help here. would it help things if i said that we were being chased by a one of those statues you collected for that winters guy? on april - her mouth is agape. and i suppose that bringing up the thirty-foot flying monster would probably just push this over the edge, huh? on april - she slowly turns to casey. floored. just some story this winters guy told us. it all started down in south america. long before the ashmecks and the macaroons. that's what i said. raph. don't do it, man. wow. oh. oh yeah. they share the moment. seeing what they forgot about each other when they first met. it's enough for them to smile. mask? what mask? april runs into the other room and comes back with her hands behind her back. she takes out a new mask for casey - cool, crisp and a badass paintjob. no way. yeah, hey, i was supposed to drop this off for mr. winters. if i don't get this done, i am majorly in the doghouse. you know what i'm sayin', right? right? the two stare at each other as the cam angles behind karai - she's holding a katana sword behind her back! am dollies overhead as we see that casey is packing major sports gear "heat" on his end too. both don't let on. really!? i mean, "but of course". casey wheels the crate inside. the gate closes only karai has now disappeared! casey opens the front hatch, revealing don, raph, mikey, april and splinter. i suppose this is where we all take out our sharp and pointy things? i have my moments. is he. is he dead? mikey takes out a hockey stick from casey's bag and pokes winters' limp body. nothing. i got shotgun! back on generals - they move toward winters! the turtles quickly look at one another. know what they have to do. they all leap in the way, standing between winters and his backstabbing generals. aguila moves forward to leo. raph steps in beside him, defiant. then mikey. then don. this has got to be the suckiest vehicle to save the world with. - as the cowabunga carl van roars around the corner. tinkling musical notes chime along with the speed. appropriately lame and embarrassing. inside van - casey drives, as april, karai and four foot are crammed in the back. awkward silence. so. anybody from out of town? well, i guess we have to figure out how to get handsome here back to winters' tower. wow. you're. hard core. on creature - a foot ninja stands next to the lifeless body. as he turns his head he doesn't see the creature's eye open! incoming! on van - as they open the doors to act as shields as - thunka thunk thunk - darts stick in the door! on creature - he's now standing. and dying to chase something. it growls. screams as they all pile into the van! casey immediately throws it in reverse and starts peeling back on the pier, barely staying out of the clutches of the creature smashing the pier in front of them. get to the end and spin the vehicle around. i gotta tell ya. i'm, uh, i'm ran outta food. they all look out the back window as the creature pounds closer and closer. back in lobby - the turtles and generals are at a standstill. turtles all get thrown into a pile between the generals. oh. i, uh - huhn! - casey tosses karai off of him. april's eye cocks. whaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooo!!! as casey roars down the street on the black motorcycle of nightwatcher, barely able to hang on.