righteous. mikey immediately "unfreezes" and sticks his tongue out and antics at the man! before the man can react, mikey tears out and zips across traffic down a deserted side-street. . as we notice the annoying ice cream style music tinkering you had to install the music too. joke all you want, raphy. but train hard and eat your veggies and one day, you too can be as cool as the nightwatcher, dude. first one to touch old faithful over there- you dudes see that up there? off his look - we see large shadows moving with in a large i- beam construction site. the movement is coming from one of the higher floors. bad news is what's kickin' the snot out of `em. on turtles - as they've all now crept up to the dark corner of the floor. a foot ninja gets clobbered and sails past them, and off the building. i'm personally worried about a monster running around the streets of new york. but hey, that's just me. don elbows mikey back in line. my compliments to zee chef. whoa. i am in the wrong line of work. nice pad, kids. don immediately starts checking raph out. i love you man. i'm never usually that happy to be bleeding.