gentlemen! let's begin. there was a man named yaotl. more a force of nature than man. and together with his four warrior- priest generals, they pillaged every culture in their path. quick shots of each general. the walk along side yoatl. possibly slo-mo. we will come to recognize them through their distinct armor as the four stone generals - in human form. so, your job duties were just redefined. congratulations on your promotion. shink! - karai pulls out her to and slices the brick in mid- air. winters stops and looks back over his shoulder. so i will double. no, no. triple your pay for your troubles. are we cool? on foot - they just stare back, blank goggles. probably seething inside. winters is flanked by generals. so you go and get to know each other. and don't forget. play nice. the generals turn and walk-push the foot out of the door. they move to fight back, but karai waves her hand. to picking up the pieces. there are things, miss o'neil, no one could possibly know. camera pushes in on yaotl and his four generals high on a hill, surveying the action. on yaotl - he takes off his helmet. it's winters himself. my brothers, i-