dude. i'm scared! dude! they're all around me! what do i do? what do i do?! mikey's eyes continue to panic. donatello's voice comes in over a radio. calming. but i need back up this time, man! okay - waita-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!! suddenly ten kids with birthday hats and foam nunchucks run in screaming and start beating on mikey. a little too hard. oh-whoa! ow! yeow-ow-ow! watch it!! i can only hope they're as lovely as the rugrats you got here. on kids - they look tough, brandishing their nerf weapons - a toddler street gang. one of the kids does a finger-point-then- throat-slit gesture. the mom looks and beams. the kids quickly smile to cover. such. angels. mikey looks to the side, and sees the still piled-high stack of pizza boxes through the fake head pov. hyuk! cowabunga dudes! bye! heheh. score. yes. sir. all's i'm saying donnie is that no one would notice if you did one of these gigs every now and again. well, if panache is french for "punching bag", i'd have to agree with ya. aw nuts. mikey suddenly grips his face back into a tight smile, frozen. he looks over and waves at the man who confusingly waves back. just get me outta here, dude. on don - he hits some switches. monitors change. yeeeeehaaaaaawwww!! honeeeeey! i'm hooome! as mikey slides down the banister, the cam dollies around domo arigato, dude. mikey walks into the room and plops down on a sofa. hits a remote as a big screen lights up in front of him. suddenly- yes, sensei. angle on - splinter the japanese rodent master and father of the tmnt. he is well-kempt, still walks with a cane, and has the same sparkle in his eye. he approaches mikey. silent. sensei? oh! here ya go, master splinter. mikey reaches into his bag and removes a foil-wrapped piece of birthday cake. splinter lights up. i'm! bored!!!!! he stands up and walks to don's room. he opens it. it takes only one foot until the door is pushed up against piles of tech junk. mikey uses his shoulder and pushes it open. n don - he's hunched over a work table, back to mikey. tinkering as always. wild inventions line the walls, some finished, some not. some pay tribute to past tmnt adventures. don, y'ever feel like you were meant for more? to do more? like, i mean, sometimes i feel like. every day it's the same thing. wake up. birthday party gig. drive home. watch tv. train. rinse. repeat. wah!! now that's what i'm talking about! cruising the streets, busting those who hold themselves above the law. but they aren't above his. don walks in, holding an in-process invention. he looks up. i think he's cool. keeya! hatchaaaaaa!! but i don't wanna pop out of the birthday cake, mrs. ro- leo. what's up, bro? we don't see much of `em anymore. april seems to be working a lot - eww - and casey seems to be, i dunno, "different" lately. maybe he doesn't like having to put the toilet seat down now that they've moved in together. to be honest with ya, they're kinda buzzkills to be around. dunno. haven't noticed since the nightwatcher has come home to roost. woooohoooooooo! just a sec, dude! i'm almost at level eighteen. scratch that. seventeen. i'm with leo! you kiddin' me?! i mean, no offense donnie, but you ain't exactly the biggest hitter on the bench. so nice of you to join us, gentledudes. whoa! whawazzat?! the others rush over to the edge with mikey. so what now, captain? welcome home. well, there's a good. bad news scenario for ya. cam begins to crane up from turtles to activity on the floor. good news is that there are a buncha foot ninja gettin' the snot kicked out of `em. cam finishes on floor - showing six foot ninjas and karai squaring off against a large bigfoot-like monster! it tosses them around like stuffed animals. i vote for sitting back and enjoying the show. whaddaya say, leader boy? on leo - he's troubled. the burden of "leader" shouldered. yeeeaaaaargghhh!!!!! the creature stops. confused. so are the other three turtles. what? i saw it on a nature show once. the creature screams back! boys freak out. y'know, it's not that bad, dudes. on building - actually, the place is destroyed. dented, torn and looking like a post-night raid in wwii. dudes, did anyone get the license plate of the thing that hit us last night? oi, my head. don pours over a thick book on monsters and mythology. i dunno, but she sure gave leo a run for his money. dudes-can-it-here-comes-splinter. on door - splinter walks in, humming to himself. anyone for dessert? i'd say that's a big ten-four. well?! what next?!!! well, aside from having your own wrestling league, i dunno. maybe is that "legend" like the ginormous freakin' hairball that attacked us? seriously, dude. we're all stressed. try to chill. dudes. i think you're gonna want to check this out. but without leo. what do we do? no one answers. splinter looks to raph. raph steps up. well, i didn't see you offering any suggestions. besides- - a true ninja can hide in plain sight, my son! what?! why does everyone always call me out? a long beat. then. what do we do, dudes?! leo! is that you? raarrgh! - a claw swoops out. he dodges out of the way. i guess that would be a "no". on raph - he finds leo! yup. he's way dead, dude. winters gasps for air! startles everyone in the room. on everyone - their faces all drop as winters stands up in his mini-crater, brushes himself off and is perfectly fine! winters' mind is racing a mile a minute. doesn't even notice those around him. teamwork. the more you know. don clocks mikey behind the head. roger dodger, dude. the tmnt launch into their final attack - perfectly in synch and take out each of the generals, knocking them back into the portal! they're plucked out of mid-air by cloudy tendrils and pulled back! the turtles collapse onto the floor, back to the portal. silent. splinter runs over to them. holy crap!!! so, um, what happens now? okay. just a little bit creepy.