heh, heh. suckers. on mugger - his eyes suddenly go wide as - vrooooom! - we see a jet-black tweaked out motorcycle fly over the cops' heads, aiming directly for mugger! whaaa!!! the mugger runs, but can't escape. the driver is dressed in all-black motorcycle leathers and black-visored helmet. scary and faceless. he quickly gains on the mugger and grabs him by the collar in mid-stride! you crazy?! put me down, man! but driver doesn't. instead, he holds him lower without stopping the bike. and proceeds to plow mugger's head into every trash can and garbage bin along 9th avenue! ow! hey! what're you-ow!! oof! just as it looks like he'll hit a telephone pole. driver veers left! he drags the mugger into. wh-wh-what kinda freak are you?! the driver gets off the bike. silence. backlit by headlight. he walks directly to the mugger with purpose. mugger starts to really freak out. driver picks him up by the collar and slams him to the back wooden fence wall. p-p-please. don't kill me, man. driver just cocks his head. mugger can see his own terrified reflection his driver's black visor. driver reaches behind his back and pulls out a combat knife! he reels back and. wh-wha-wha-what are you doi- aaagh!