boy, oh boy, did you pick the wrong night to be a criminal. night cocks his fist just as- you ever heard of smoke pellets? hey there little fella. all that commotion for just little ole y- the demon screams! it jumps night, slamming him to the floor behind a row of tables! wahh! ooof! aaaggh! ow!! whoaaa!!! plates, glasses and utensils fly everywhere, smashing all over the diner as the demon pummels him. close on night - the demon is jumping up and down, slamming his helmeted head repeatedly to the floor! it lunges forward, mouth open as night backhands it with a plate. the demon jumps back and up, landing on a rotating ceiling fan. yeah! that's what i thought! don't mess with the nightwatcher! night turns. his helmet is still on. he hits his lights on the side of his head to see through the thick smoke. he finds the diner cook huddled behind the counter. night looks scary. whattaya talkin' about? i just there ya go, pal. make sure this is safe. hey - you hearin' me? listen! i don't want yer friggin' this night just keeps gettin' better n' better. okay, leo. wanna play? nightwatcher drops twin bolos. he twirls them with expertise. then motions for leo to fight. charge at each other, running through the rain, weapons drawn. they fight. hard. and with expertise. two masters duking it out. it surprises leo. it fills night with more adrenaline. there's a break. they circle like tigers. renewing attacks. night knows every one of leo's moves, and counters in turn.