sounds like four turtles i used ta know. on door - raphael walks in, his nightwatcher costume no where in sight. whatta we talkin' about, boys? soundin' a little too egghead fer my tastes. i joined a book a' the month club. so just what's your beef with puttin' dirtbags behind bars, donnie? go ahead. enlighten me. sometimes there are lines that even the police can't cross. someone has to be willing to do what needs to be done. and to do that, fear becomes a weapon. aaaargh! and stop touching my hey. raphael eyes leo. and then the medallion. so. congratulations. well, i'm goin' to bed. he leaves. tv room - raph walks through the room, cuffs don on the back of the head, and keeps on walking. leo's home. donatello wakes up, looks around. lights up when he sees leo. this should explain most of it. the legacy of the city's newest hero. compliments of the fanboy over there. m i can only hope, mikey. i can only hope. leo disapprovingly flips through the book. i been busy. why'd you think that? are you trying to make me mad? you wouldn't understand the first thing about me, daddy's boy - oof!. hey both trip over a duct, tumbling in a ball. they stop rolling, continue fighting. you'd love that, wouldn't you? later! raph runs off toward the action. ahh, let's take a tiny peek. they scale to the top floor. peering over the edge. nah. we kick butt. raph jumps forward! leo rolls his eyes, as all the turtles jump into the fray. the foot are surprised at first, and the bigfoot monster is confused as well. on leo - he stops when he comes face to face with karai. nice of ya's ta join me. but the turtles eventually get cornered. and just as the creature closes in- we coulda taken it if you slackers woulda pitched in sooner. hey, you're the "trained master", not me. splinter-junior. we hafta go out and find who's responsible for this. there ain't no other solution. wow, sounds. exciting. case? no way! yep. in bg - the burglar tries to get away. casey and raph both spy him. look at each other. mischievously grin as we- i dunno, i just got tired of the "nothing". sitting around waiting for some disaster to cross our paths. of us battling utroms and triceratons or any other friggin' creature. when there was still some guy gettin' mugged 100 feet above the lair. just didn't seem right. `specially if we had the means to do somethin' about it. raph twirls a billy bat between his fingers. stops. and we did. but turns out i was the only one who was willing to do it, tho. so i just saved up, bought and tweaked a sweet bike, fitted the costume and began moonlighting. i kinda liked "the midnight marauder". pfft. you kiddin' me? leo's been away for, like, forever. and the other two are so wrapped up in that party business they'd never notice. yer tellin' me. casey looks at his old bud. yeah? for old time's sake? it's gotta be around here somewhere. screeeeech!!! - a large vampire-like creature flies up from the alley below and spreads its 30-foot wings! did i mention we ran into a monster last week? nope. those are a first for me too. we can take `em. one of the generals effortlessly picks up a trash dumpster and wallops the creature with one blow. bingo. raphael quickly dashes left through traffic! down alley behind them - boom boom boom - we see gato bounding down the wall, almost in a four-legged run, occasionally jumping off walls at incredible speeds! a true jaguar. it leaps through the traffic as well. hop on. raph leaves gato in a cloud of dust. but not for long. gato clamors along. keeping up with the weaving bike! in the fray, casey looses his mask. as it gets trampled by gato. it's an insane chase, with raph trying to lose him as casey swings his bat, trying to stave off the stone general. suddenly - thunk! a circular obsidian blade lands in his wooden bat. he looks at it. not to mention having a keen interest in these monsters. and them four stone jokers. well, what would you do with an army of monsters? i say we just storm the castle and face this jerk in person! yeah. whatever. - and bolts out the door. aaaaaaaaghh!! he mule kicks leo back. leo tumbles back, still in shock. they yell at each other through the pouring rain. you're so friggin' smug! you think the world revolves around you, dontcha? that we couldn't possibly survive without the mighty and powerful leonardo to guide us through our problems, huh?! and whoever said i wanted to be led? i shoulda gone on that training! well, big brother, i'd have to disagree with you on that one. raph takes a ready stance. leo does too. and they fight. brother vs. brother. katana vs. sai. technique vs. heart. leo!!! raph runs closer as the generals lower to the ground and drive off. raph jumps from rooftop to rooftop to try and catch his brother. i did something. i did something really stupid, master splinter. but master splinter, i messed up big tonight. i mean big. splinter chews on this. thank you. father. mikey bursts in the door, frantic. we rescue our brother. and save new york city. splinter stands to his side. you know i ain't much on speeches. don't push it. april, this is going to be dangerous. you sure you're in? i am so gonna enjoy this. we get ready for round two. on casey in corner - he reaches into his back, takes out a hockey stick and - smash!!! - kills a lobby vase. suddenly, sirens blare as the outside building security shutters slam down just like in act i! the ninjas are locked out! yeah! everyone high fives casey. except april. she smiles. hey buddy! come on, man. leo, please wake up! raph holds leo in his lap on the floor. looks like leo is dead. raph's head falls low, as. listen, i - i'm sorry. no harm?! whatever! i'm about to give you piercin's in places you never imagined if you don't tell us what's going on. if you mess with one of us- -you mess with all of us. aguila smiles at their chutzpa. sensei! how you guys doing?! on splinter and winters - the portal is pulling the cells in. about five more to go. splinter also flips around and takes out another demon trying to escape. splinter actually seems to be having fun. i'm sure my man casey's got it all under control. so who wants ta call it a day? i thought he'd never shut up. wider - the portal explodes in a upwards funnel. silence. we did it! you know us? she doesn't mean. they look back - and see karai and the foot have disappeared. raph looks over at winters. he's hunched over in the corner. can't tell what's going on. they walk over slowly. winters? on winters - looks like he's sobbing. they get concerned. then the sobs turn to laughing. he stands up. his hand is spotted red with his m own blood from a cut on his cheek. thank you, master splinter, for your guidance. i can only hope that one day, i will be able to begin the next stage of my training like leo. splinter smiles. reaches into a box and takes out a similar medallion to the one given to leonardo. so we're cool with the whole nightwatcher thing? okay, so i couldn't exactly destroy the bike. i mean, it's in good hands. so what makes a family? personally, it's more than sharing a roof or a bathroom. it's sharing life. my father taught me that, and i think it's pretty much true. y'know, provided that you don't kill each other in the process. or that no one touches your stuff. or makes loud noises when you're trying to sleep. or. hey, nobody said it was easy.