babe brother. i was hoping you came to the door instead of him. it gets cold at night. he will be alright. thanks for taking care of him. i will try not to be so long next time. i tried to call to let you know i was going to be late. i pay my own way. i want you to be the richest man in the world so i can be the richest father in the world. son, if you are going to have a family, you can't always choose a job just because you like it. i don't want you to shine anybody's shoes or be a porter. you let somebody else carry your bags. he wouldn't want any if you didn't try to keep it away from him. my daddy never gave me anything without my having to sweat for it. every summer, the way they kept me and junior out of trouble was to send us to big daddy's farm. we would get up with the chickens. every summer the fence had to be repaired. the barn needed a coat of paint. we had to pip all of big mama's hundred laying hens and go to church all day on sunday. for big daddy, calluses and sweat were the mark of a man. sunny will never have to bust his knuckles like we did. what is a sip of coffee going to do? i don't see you crying about my drinking it. you all don't believe me when i tell you i'm afraid of heights. you always got something to say. i hadn't forgotten. i ordered some cloth but it didn't come in and i felt so bad if i would have come to her birthday without that, i just stayed at home. we got the same thing. why don't you come in for a while? just for a minute. did you ever have to use this thing? don't pick up the cards if you are not in the game. did he die? will you still get the money from your father? pops put big daddy's farm in rhonda's and sunny's name and fixed it so no one can borrow on it. i preached to mom and dad about it but they are stuck in their ways, it's like talking to a brick. but if there is a way. why are you always afraid to get somewhere? this is what it is all about, trying to keep from being out on the street. maybe i can get down there next week. in a minute. what is that? why, you don't want us to bring him over? well, you are his grandfather. he is supposed to spend some time with you. you're supposed to show him those woodsy things and this and that. oh here we go with that. why does he always pick on me? i don't need that kind of love. and i don't want to be reminded all the time that big mama's grandmother was born in slavery. if you really care about me, just tell me how i can make money. it is just a regular card. doesn't he look a whole of lot better? anytime you need someone to do something for you, just let me know. what in the hell. linda, how come you don't see that sunny puts his shoes on right? you okay? i could swear i heard my son call me. i heard his voice as clear as day. i better get back. maybe something is wrong. this would be a bad time for me to leave. had moms and pops given me my share of what was mine, i could have been rich by now. linda and i had it all worked out. let me go by the house first. i need to get my suitcase out of the garage. i'm going back home with harry. harry is coming to pick me up. i'm busy. can't i be myself without you jumping in with your right and wrong? the world is not black and white. show me one perfect person. if you can't, don't ask me to be. i told her i would if she would give me time. you always got the best of it around here and when dad always talks about my son, it is always you, so you fix the roof. i told you about calling me boy. i ain't no boy. see, you and dad got a bad habit of calling me boy. you call me boy in front of my wife. you think i'm going to fix the roof? i hope the wind blows the whole damn thing off and it pours down rain. i'm leaving and don't even call me when the shoe falls 'cause all he did for me was to try and run my life. i'm tired of people saying babe brother this, babe brother that. what's my name? my name is sam. samuel. i'll drive her to the hospital. no, just my mother. mister. mister. excuse me for cutting you off but we pay taxes too. we should not have to pay you to take a 24-hour lunch break. the coroner said that he was out here, and knocked on the door and no one was here. yes. they're too big. i have more sense than to give up everything, my family, you and sunny. it wasn't me, i mean the real me inside my body. i'm glad it's over. it's like a veil has been lifted. it's like i've been swimming in muddy waters. it was like all those things old country people try to tell you what hell is like. i couldn't believe the things i was doing. it was like an internal struggle going on inside my body. it was nip and tuck. i guess it proves you really care about me. you hung in there. soon as i rest a bit. i meant as soon as we are back to normal again, anytime. i'm cold. i need to get out into the sunlight.