gideon looks over at the chickens, scratching around in the garden. he calls to them, but they don't respond. he puts his shoes on and walks towards the back door of the house. entering the house, he stops and waits inside the door peeping out. in a sort of devilish manner he talks to himself. shot of the backyard. nothing. suddenly, with the grace and suspicion of alley cats, kids jump over gideon's back fence, look around timidly, and start climbing up his fruit tree. suzie,is bent over a plant that she is tying to a stick. she looks up and sees the sack on the fence. a smile appears on her face. she goes over to the fence. a sack appears on gideon's fence. the sound of old john's cart is heard rattling off. harry slowly walks along the rows in suzie's garden. he stands by the chicken cage. suddenly, the chickens start to run about and cackle as if a dog had gotten in. gideon and sunny are in the garden digging for worms. the chickens harry, okra and herman are trying to catch another chicken. herman is coughing badly and okra is out of breath. rhonda and sunny are looking under a strawberry plant. sunny has strawberry stains around his mouth and on his shirt. rhonda is putting her strawberries in the bowl. after getting a bowl full, they lay on the grass, eating strawberries while looking up at the clouds slowly drifting by.