suzie invites officer scott and officer davis in. both men are white and are in their mid-twenties. officer davis does most of the questioning. gideon comes in, still adjusting his bathrobe. suzie comes to the front door; she recognizes harry right away. she invites him in. harry stumps his feet on the porch several times and then enters. gideon in the background in the kitchen washing off the vegetables. suzie and hattie are sitting at the table. harry comes in and is surprised to see hat tie. hattie is in her late sixties but looks well. she makes a conscious effort to dress plainly. m.c. gives gideon a bear hug, lifting him off his feet. on seeing suzie, he drops gideon and rushes over to lift her up off her feet. m.c. lifts suzie off the ground twice. he runs over to hattie who does not want to be handled, tries to withdraw but m.c. forces her to her feet and gives a big bear hug. hattie has a series of squinting attacks. m.c. squints in return. suzie is holding the door open while gideon is carried in by junior and babe brother. gideon is led to a chair. he still looks awful. gideon and suzie are in silhouette against the window. pat, linda and junior are seated at the table. the suitcases are in the middle of the floor. on seeing suzie, sunny jumps up, knocking the can of marbles over the kitchen floor. he runs to give suzie a hug. sunny wants to touch her bandaged hand, but linda stops him. harry sadly gets up. he looks at babe brother. linda steps in front of babe brother. hattie, marsh, okra, herman, and m.c. all come in. marsh looks cheerful. the preacher is snoring violently.