suzie, gideon, junior, pat and rhonda are all seated at the table eating. babe brother is standing up. he looks in the pot but doesn't find it to his liking. junior is irritated at his brother.
suzie, gideon, junior, pat and rhonda are still at the table eating.
suzie is sitting in front of a table full of jars. each jar has a shoot and is half-filled with water. gideon is on his knees trying to fix the hinge to a cabinet. sunny is sitting almost under him listening to him tell stories. sunny has a coffee can full of marbles.
suzie is peeling potatoes and gideon is ironing.
suzie is peeling apples while sunny, standing next to her, catches peelings in his mouth. pat is sitting next to the window. she is uncomfortable. she loosens her pants, giving her stomach more room. rhonda is leaning over the back of the chair with her arms around pat's neck. they are in silhouette.
two shadows on the wall are facing each other. the shadows are the heads of two women, suzie and hattie.
harry comes in and hattie and suzie stop talking. harry is aware that he was the subject. the sound of the boy next door playing his horn is heard.
harry is trying to raise himself from the floor. he pauses for a moment and then collapses. harry is in a lot of pain. harry's body contorts and then remains still.
two paramedics work on harry. one of the paramedics is a young asian. the other is white with red hair. they listen for a heart beat and shake their heads in a negative manner. they pack up their medical case. the asian's accent is very difficult to understand.
harry is stretched out on the floor. a blanket covers everything except his shoes.
harry's body lies on the floor. on the kitchen sink are suzie's jars of cuttings, which have developed a maze of roots.