okra sets the bag on the table and steps back to allow harry to unveil the bottle of corn liquor. marsh sits in a chair opposite harry. babe brother stands behind harry. harry, knowing that marsh is going to bring up unpleasant things of the past, feels the need to get rid of babe brother. marsh and harry are getting quite loud in their argument. it has become a kind of controlled anger. okra is painfully standing on his bad feet. he is in his security-guard uniform, holding a bouquet of greens. as suzie comes in, okra tries to stand upright at attention. sunny stands in the doorway watching his father sharpen his knife that he got from harry. babe brother is unaware that his son is watching him. babe brother is preoccupied sharpening his knife with a sharpening stone. he is almost in a trance. junior comes in rather angrily. sunny goes and sits in the shadows in the dining room. babe brother starts gathering up his things to leave. gideon opens the refrigerator and starts taking out bowls of food and placing them on the table. he puts on a pot of coffee. gideon is busy eating almost everything in sight. a group of mystified and sleepy faces appear at the door. pat, linda, rhonda and sunny are all looking rather dumbfounded. harry's body lies there motionless.