because you were spoiled, don't try to spoil sunny. i want sunny to have an advantage that you and i never had, but he needs discipline, and you are not helping when i tell him to do something and you allow him to get out of it. coffee is bad for anybody, especially for a child. how old are you? i would like to finish reading this. what would i talk about? i haven't read this month's almanac. i don't care to hear about how the corn was this fall or how to get rid of gophers by putting garlic in their holes. they pride themselves in making life hard and that's not my cup of tea. you don't act like the rest of gideon's friends. they believe if you are not hard at work, you are hard at sin. i think he wants to see your rabbit foot. what's a toby? i thought you weren't old fashioned. no. no. no. no. i had my child at cedars and sinai. and that ain't no county hospital. you have to have cash or check before you come in the door. junior's wife kept her afterbirth' in the refrigerator. that's why i do not eat over there now. how was church? it has three bedrooms, one and a half baths. well, yes, that means two toilets and one bath. well. yes, by appointment. call me back if you decide. you would think people never lived in a house if they have to ask what does 1 1. 2 baths mean. i told him we might not need it, if you can talk your parents into giving you your share of the property. we could borrow on that land and put the money to work. i've never been so tired in my life. where is sunny? i think forcing him to go to church when he really doesn't understand is not saving his soul. when he gets old enough to make up his own mind about religion, that will be better. it will be his intellectual decision. he is just being like all parents, concerned about the ones they love. he doesn't mean what he says. are you going to work or sleep all day? remember, you promised to take sunny to magic mountain today. why in the h. why don't you wait? i'm okay. go back to your friends. something just took control of him. he stays out all night and comes home with a pocket full of money. i told babe brother that if harry sets foot in our house again, i'm taking sunny and leaving. just as i said that, here come harry and his old resurrected friends, hobbling up the steps. no, this was an accident. it was unintentional. what do you want? no. nothing happened to him. you are going to need some stitches. we better take her to the emergency hospital. what about pat? you ought to go see how your father is doing and then wash that blood off you and change shirts. i told you to always put those marbles up and not to leave them just anywhere. he doesn't know when he will be out this way again. somebody downtown is going to hear about this. they can't say. i'll try calling them again. how do you like that? they hung up in my face. i'll fix them. i'll show them just how mean i can get. this has been a nightmare. like a veil has been lifted? like muddy waters? you were in hell? do you think you won? and what lesson have we learned from all of this, babe br. sam. i mean samuel?