remember, especially you men, that working together now will already have formed a bond before the child arrives. the woman is very sensitive. everyone is gone. rhonda is in the bathroom. it will show up. you be careful and thank you for looking after sunny. don't bother the poor boy. it just takes some people a little longer to figure out who they are. the police are here to talk to you about the chickens. who is it? this doesn't make any sense; you are going to drag that poor boy out in the cold air. let us settle this tomorrow. take sunny home, please. go back to sleep. you all act like two roosters. you and babe brother are so much alike. hush. hush. you're going to find yourself on the floor. how are you? it is so considerate of you. i know you didn't but you have been so thoughtful. i planted a row just for you and you don't owe me anything. don't push too fast! breathe! the hard part is over. you can see the top of the head. father, give her a hand. you do your part. almost there. you know, babe brother's wife just dumps greens in the pot without washing them. everybody got the same. i breast fed him like i breast fed you. you oughtn't tell him stories like that. you stay back. you might cut your fingers. harry, i can't believe it is you. gideon, look who is here. stranger my foot, it was my grandmother who helped you into this world. poor old harry, he really must have been worn out. he has been asleep all day. you should go back and rest. one can tell you are from back home. these people nowadays don't know what manners are. those days you could always find something redeeming about even the worst person. i was afraid to go to marcus bottom because of him. i have someone i want you to meet. i will have to look for it. harry, you know everything. no, but i might have some indian chief tonic. it would be nice. are you feeling well? he is getting his things together. babe brother, you ought to take your wife home so she can get some rest. fred jenkins. do you want your coat? it's cold out here. you better be careful. you'll get a stroke arguing. gideon, don't say things like that. babe brother, i'm going to take my hand and hit you across your mouth. no. before anyone moves, you two shake hands and don't carry it any further. she has a fish bone caught in her throat. could all of you go in the other room? gideon, get some bread and toast it quickly and find me the cod liver oil. just stay in bed and rest. you stay inside. i will see to them. tolerable well. he wasn't able to get out of bed today. he has never gotten rid of the malaria. he is usually up and at it the next day. i'm going to make him fresh chicken broth. can you watch gideon for a while? one of the girls is going into labor. junior is going to drive me over. oh my lord! well, you look better than you did yesterday. let me get you a cup? you must have been really sick. i need to get out there and get those weeds out. i put some plummer christian leaves under his feet to draw the fever out. i crossed his stomach with cold oil and gave him some cow tea. i don't know where that music is coming from. as long as he keeps his throat clear, he is able to get some rest. that is very thoughtful of you. i haven't had time to tend to my garden like i should. you are very sweet, but gideon has already taken care of everything in case something happens to him. he has a policy. excuse me. i have to go feed my dog. i remember harry always trying to help someone. he got lulla's daughter out of trouble. he was always running to the store for someone who couldn't leave the house. you know okra asked me to marry him the other evening. i asked harry about it. he didn't own up to it. he said he didn't know what got into okra. i can't accuse him just dry long what must i do? good afternoon to you. you must have done something to her. hattie is a different person now. i'm glad you brought that up as to who you are. i have to know who is in my house. only if you are a good man, a friend. are you a friend? i want you to leave. what for? i've heard some foolish things in my life. have you lost your mind? have you thought about your wife and child, not to mention your sick father? and i need your help to move his bed from under the leak in the ceiling. don't make me raise my hand to you. you have to see for yourself that you are going in the wrong direction. i do have a right to ask you to be a little bit better than me and your father because we gave you a better head start. you have no right to complain to us about your not having enough. you sit right there with your no manners self. brother is in the kitchen. he said he was busy. he is mad 'cause he wanted to get in the garage to get his things so he could go with harry. i cut my hand. i have medicare. how is gideon doing? gideon. you better come sit down. you are still sick. since this morning. i cut it on an old rusty knife. it's healing now. it feels like a storm has passed. hattie read some of harry's letters to a woman he had a child by. the child had died and he was writing to give her some comfort. hattie didn't know that deep down at the bottom of harry's hate, there was some love. i don't want to hear any joke about colored people being in hell. you're being irreverent. i don't want to hear any tales about colored people. i don't care to hear any jokes about people being in hell. this cut on my hand reminds me that it is nothing to laugh at. virginia, that is so wonderful of you all!